I want to set up Red Hat or Fedora with windows. But the dual boot option is no working.
I set up windows 7 with 90 GB Hardisk. I have 148 GB in total. When I want to set up fedora it shows - not enough space. But still there 58 GB free space.Can any one say what is the problem? How can I solve it?

Boot up Linux with the live CD/DVD. Go to the command line and execute the command (as root): fdisk -l
Report the output back here.

Boot up Linux with the live CD/DVD.

What does mean live CD/DVD?
Please reply.

Member Avatar for Mouche

You can get the Fedora CD here: Fedora Download

Burn the iso to a CD with infrarecorder or other CD burning software. Then put the CD in your CD drive and reboot. When the Fedora CD screen comes up, select Live CD or something similar.

did you format the remaining 58 GB?
click start
r-click computer
click manage
open the 'storage' tree
click disk management
r-click the RAW space and click format...NTFS(quick or not)
install 2nd OS on that partiton...get it working...restart computer and boot to windows7 install disc (again) choose 'startup repair'
this should fix your boot file for dual-boot

it would probably be easier to install win7 last...(to auto config the boot file)

P.S. with the newer computers, you can boot from *.vhd files (create virtual hard drives from disk management mmc)

You can get the Fedora CD here: Fedora Download

This is Fedora Desktop edition. But I need server edition as my teacher says.

I do not understand the process that you have said.
I do not format the 58 GB.
Please clearly describe the process.

Hello Skilly
I have got it. I will try it sooner.

yep.. it actually took me a few tries to get mine set up with xp & 7, because my hard drive is only 40GB! 20GB each for me!
-edit one of these days i want to install Linux, as well. when i get more space then i can try the Linux world too!

yep.. it actually took me a few tries to get mine set up with xp & 7, because my hard drive is only 40GB! 20GB each for me!
-edit one of these days i want to install Linux, as well. when i get more space then i can try the Linux world too!

use the live version ,it runs fro the disk and ram ,no need for hdd space,with some live cd's you can even burn it to the dvd in what is refereed to as multisession dvd ,and you can save changes you make like browser settings and things like browser favorites and email ect ect , i made these myself about 6-7 yrs ago
more info at puppy linux.

use the live version ,it runs fro the disk and ram ,no need for hdd space,with some live cd's you can even burn it to the dvd in what is refereed to as multisession dvd ,and you can save changes you make like browser settings and things like browser favorites and email ect ect , i made these myself about 6-7 yrs ago
more info at puppy linux.

Its really good. I will try it also.

After go to the unallocated space I do not find the format option.
Please say where it is?

right-click(rclick) the space itself, in disk management mmc)
menu will pop up

@caperjack thanks i will i like that idea of a cd hard drive
i would just add rep comment but it seems to be glitched past couple threads for me

you have to use MANUAL in disk partitioning..in Linux..and install your fedora iso
example: fdisk -l

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 13 102400 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 13 20934 168048640 7 HPFS/NTFS - WINDOWS 7
/dev/sda3 20934 24759 30720000 7 HPFS/NTFS - DRIVE D:

/dev/sda4 24759 38913 113694561+ 5 Extended


/dev/sda5 24759 28584 30720000 83 Linux - REDHAT
/dev/sda6 28584 32408 30720000 83 Linux - FEDORA
/dev/sda7 32408 36233 30724096 83 Linux - UBUNTU
/dev/sda8 36234 38913 21527068+ 83 Linux - DEBIAN


r-click the RAW space and click format...NTFS(quick or not)

I can not format the raw space.
Please can you help me?

you have to use MANUAL in disk partitioning..in Linux..and install your fedora iso

I really do not understand your post.
Please explain it.

right-click(rclick) the space itself, in disk management mmc)
menu will pop up

I have right click the space itself. But I do not found any option to format. I really do not know whats wrong with me?
Please help me. Please.

Requiremants for Windows7...:
1 GB RAM for 32-bit. 2 GB for 64-bit
1 GHz or faster CPU(processor)
128 MB Aero Capable Video Card(VRAM)
DVD Player
16-20 GB Hard drive space

I have to remove Windows 7, because my Desktop Board does not support it.

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