Recently i took a pc with Pentium D 830 3.0 GHz processor
Intel 945 gntl mother board, 120 GB samsung SATA drive and 512 mb ddr II ram..

When i tried to install linux :

(i have tried to install many versions like red hat 9, elx, suse, fedora core 2 and 3 also)

it tells that no hard disk found...... cannot continue installation.......

How to solve this problem and install linux and use sata drive in linux without reduction in system performance...?????

Please help........

DO NOT install RH9 onto a SATA disk. Its just too old. Get a copy Of Fedora Core 4 - free to download or RHEL if you can afford it. They work no probs.

The reason you need the newer system is that most oklder kernels and still some newer ones do not have SATA support compiled into them by default. Usually a good installer will choose the correct one for you or if its something like gentoo, you can choose the 2.6.x-SATA Image when you install.

I have tried to install fedora core 3 into my system. but even this shows a message that no drive found for instalation!!!!!

What's that "2.6.x-SATA Image" you have mentioned?

Will fedora core 4 surely works. can i download or buy that. Please tell if u r sure. Because i bought fedora core 3 and it's a mere waste as it's not installing in my system

will it depend on the mother board? mine is intel 945 gntl express chipset.

Please give me some solution..........

I was saying that some systems, Like the Gentoo 2006 graphical livecd installer will have an option to choose a 2.6.x (replace x with current version) -SATA kernel image.

Other systems should automatically detect that you require a sata kernel but seemingly this is not the case.

Is the disk part of a RAID configuration and does it actually work?

If not, try and get a free copy of FC4 and see whether it will install.
Some systems just arent meant to run linux...................

Ah wait, some googling tells em that certain motherbboards, mostly Nforce and VIA as well as some processors liek the AMD64 have issues with sata on FC3. Have a look at the forums and faqs with reference to your motherboard and HDD and see what comes up

Haa, i have borrowed FC4 from my friend and installed. It has successfully installed on SATA. But the X server is not starting....

at the time of installation also the X server didn't start and GUI didn't come so i have installed in text mode.

Even after completing instalation also the X server is not starting and the screen blinks for about 2 to 3 times and says could not start X server for now... every time....

What to do?
Please help..........

What does the eroor say?

Are you by any chance using a Trident graphics chip or similar?
FC4 has issuses with some chips so use Yum to get the newest X upadates.

mine is intel 945 express chipset.. and also x server is also not working while installing

Yeah, a few minites of googling tells me there are issues with certain motherboards including yours.....

yum -y update
It will update tour X server to the newest version so it should work.

Recently i took a pc with Pentium D 830 3.0 GHz processor
Intel 945 gntl mother board, 120 GB samsung SATA drive and 512 mb ddr II ram..

When i tried to install linux :

(i have tried to install many versions like red hat 9, elx, suse, fedora core 2 and 3 also)

it tells that no hard disk found...... cannot continue installation.......

How to solve this problem and install linux and use sata drive in linux without reduction in system performance...?????

Please help........

Red hat linux in obsolete now, pls try cent os (an update version of linux)

>Red hat linux in obsolete now
So is the post you're replying to.

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