I have an old system with RH5 - yes Red Hat 5! on it. Would it be possible to use Up2Date to upgrade it to basicallly what is FC4 in terms of packages. I have no CD/DVD or Floppy drive so it must be downloaded from the existing system.




Seriously. Just reinstall. Find or borrow a drive to reinstall with. It absolutely won't work.

It only has one SCSI channel and a network card. When i first did it a friend who was training for a MCSE installed it off of his other red hat machine using some sort of network boot in the BIOS. Can you get SCSI CD drives?

The machine is a custom server (noname) here is the specs:

1x Ultra Wide SCSI
4x P2 233mhz
256M RAM

4x 2.1 Gb hdd (theese are i n a hot swap cage wired directly into the motherboard - again, i think there SCSI too)

This effort takes a special kind of self-hate to sign up for..
..almost worth trying. No, not really.

alc6739 has it right: NO, or round up a drive. Saves one self-abuse on so many levels..

I did it. i upgraded it all using YUM - IT WORKED!

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