I have a damaged machine (no working CD/DVD drive) no USB Boot option. How can I install Ubuntu 12.10?
I have downloaded the ISO file and the Windows installer. The installer started once, ask for user ID and password, told me the Ubuntu folder already exest. It must be deleted and the program run again. I have deleted the folder but runnung the installer has no effect. It does not even get to the point of asking for ID and password. It seems to start but the curser returns in a few seconds without requesting any information or doing anything that can be observed.

Why not just get a CD/DVD drive for it? They are very cheap these days.

Thanks Rik, The CD/DVD Drive is only one of several problems. I only want to gain some experience with UBUTU.

I dont know where you are in the world, I am in the UK. I can get a brand new ide dvd-rom for £7.99!

Sounds like he is trying to use the windows based Debian loader. I've never used it but it creates an image of a clean install on the HD somehow. He must be having issues with that. This was out like 6 years ago... is it still even supported?

IF you have no CD and no USB, you are really in bad shape. If all you want is to have a look at linux, then load Virtual Box in Windows. Create a Virtual Ubuntu installation and learn with that. I use a Virtual Box Mint install on my machine alot and it works just fine.

What can I'll get ubuntu lastest and how to instsl it?

Remove the HDD. Plug it into another PC. Install the OS then reinsert it to the old one.

The CD/DVD Drive is only one of several problems. I only want to gain some experience with UBUTU.

Install a virtual machine and RUN the Ubuntu inside your Windows. That is what I did to get experience. Easy

it is simple, you can install from a usb device, for that you need to download rufus form here,

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