
Do u advise me to download linux and how to do it ?
i hope u send me the best link to use linux without
slowing my computer

When you want to use two operating system son the same computer you generally have two choices: dual-boot or virtualization.

In the dual boot case you install both operating systems to the same hard drive and have a boot loader that is aware of both systems and gives you an option of which to use when you start your computer.

Virtualization allows you to run one OS within the other, so to speak. A common free virtualization technology is Virtualbox. With something like Virtualbox, you install a new OS on the disk but the virtualization software allows the 'guest' OS to run as if it was the only system on the machine while co-opting the 'host' machines resources.

commented: thanks +0

Using a tool like Virtualbox will consume system resources (cores, RAM, etc) as L7Sqr mentioned, but it works very well. I use it daily for work and home use. I run Linux under Windows 7 with Virtualbox at work, and Windows XP at home under Linux with Virtualbox as well. Both approaches work very well.

Thanks guys,but send me a trusted link just the one needed

I see that there is linux and linux for disktop

There are tons of distributions of Linux, and in each case, the installation process is a bit different. And you still haven't said if you want to go for a dual-boot or for a virtual-box. With that, it is hard to provide you with a "trusted link" with instructions because that would depend on what you want exactly.

When it comes to distributions, you should probably start with one of the most popular distributions, like Ubuntu (or Kubuntu), Mint, Fedora, or OpenSUSE. Any of these distributions will probably be quite easy to install and use. In all cases, what you want is the "desktop" version, because the alternative is usually a minimalistic or server version which often does not even have a graphical interface at all. For the reliable instructions on how to install them, you'd better refer to the official instructions that those distributions have on their website, like the side links on this Ubuntu page.

Whichever way you decide to go (virtual box or dual-boot), the process is fairly straight-forward. First, you should create a LiveDVD or LiveUSB, which is both the install media (so you have to create it anyways) and also a "Live" version of the OS, meaning that you can boot into it and it will be pretty much like it will be when you install it (but slower because it runs off the USB/DVD drive). With that, you can try the distribution and see if you like it before installing it. After that, you need to either set-up a virtual-box (free) or free up some unpartitioned space on your hard-drive (about 50Gb is pretty much the minimum, and 100 Gb is a very comfortable amount). Then, you boot into the LiveUSB or LiveDVD either within the virtual box or from the computer itself and follow the on-screen instructions to install it to the virtual box or the freed-up space on the hard-drive. And that's about it, overall.

However, before you attempt the installation, you should do some research on the web about your specific system (version of Windows, brand of computer, graphics card, etc.) to see if there are any known issues. Also, if you are going to create a dual-boot set-up, you need to understand what a boot-loader is and decide whether you want to use Grub (Linux's boot-loader) as the primary boot-loader or if you want to retain the Windows boot-loader as the primary one and have Grub as a slave (this is what I recommend, it relies on EasyBCD). Also, if you have crap-ware on your Windows installation, uninstall them because they sometimes do very non-kosher things with the boot-loader that mess with your dual-boot setup.

On the whole "virtual box vs. dual-boot" debate, my position is generally that for a smooth and permanent installation of Linux, you should go with a dual-boot (or a full replacement, if you don't need Windows at all anymore). But it's easier to use a virtual box for temporary or occasional use, or to just get acquainted with Linux, but always remember that running it within a virtual box is going to be slower, so, don't judge the speed of Linux by that experience alone.

There is also enterprise linux, such as Suse (mentioned by Mike2k) as well as Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its clones, CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Oracle Linux. RHEL and Oracle require support subscriptions (they cost you $$), but CentOS and SL do not. I use both on many systems.

Personally, I prefer the virtual machine approach (I use VirtualBox) over dual boot. That way, I can easily experiment with MANY linux distributions without munging with my system drive. So, I let my VM take a portion of my system resources (4 of 8GB RAM, and 1-2 cores of 4-8 cores). Example: on my work laptop (a 2-core Intel i7 processor w/ 8GB of RAM) the native OS is Windows 7. I run CentOS 6.5 in a virtual machine, giving it 1 core and 4GB of RAM - it works very well! At home where my system is Scientific Linux 6.4, I give Windows XP 1 core, and 2GB of RAM - also works very well. Each virtual machine gets an entire display (I have 2 HD displays for both cases) for its use. If I need the display for my system OS, I just minimize the VM!

As for needed disc space, VirtualBox allows you to specify a size of virtual disc, but it only increases the physical size of the disc as necessary. So, an 80GB virtual system disc may only be 5-10GB in real size.

The most friendly and complete desktop linux I have used latesly is Elementary linux. the Luna release is very nice.
You can download it from

I have used it under VirtualBox, and as a native install. I have NOT used it in a dual boot mode with Windows. Yet.

If you plan to use Virtualbox ( I do, and love it) you should understand that the performance you observe under VirtualBox will be NOTHING like running native. You can run Luna in LIVE-CD mode (without install to hard drive) before installing to see something like native performance.

The only time I have seen good performance under VirtualBox was on a laptop with 8G ram on dual 64-bit AMD multicore processors. Having to scale back to run an a laptop with 64-bit Intel Centrino and 4G ram was not a happy experience. Linux holds up better than Windows, but both suffer if the hardware is stressed.

Whatever you choose and however you proceed, please let us know what you tried and how it works out.

commented: yup +14
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^^Definitely agree with the above. I truly love my elementary install though different users may require different requirements, so it is not a case of 'one distro fits all.'

I still think elementary is set to take over ubunutu as the de facto for desktop linux but ubuntu is still very popular.

Last night I downloaded VSIDO (based in Debian SID), tried it in LIVE-CD mode, liked it, and did an install. This on a somehwat old laptop that performs like a DOG. INflicted with the Microsoft VISTA virus.

Gparted shrank my NTFS volume nicely and without error (I defrag daily), made a 19G EXT4 partition and a 1G swap, and installed to HD.
Runs like a champ.

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