2^64 / (1024^2) = 17.592.186.044.416MB = 16 exabytes
2^32 / (1024^2) = 4.096MB = 4 gigabytes
2^16 / (1024^2) = 0,0625MB = 64 kilobytes
2^8 / (1024^2) = 0,000244140625MB = 0,25 kilobytes = 256 bytes
How the heck you guys managed to do anything on "computers" which had maximum of 256 bytes?
(2^64) / 2 = 9.223.372.036.854.775.807 highest decimal = Summer 4531319894415291403656
(2^32) / 2 = 2.147.483.648 highest decimal = January 2038
(2^16) / 2 = 32.768 highest decimal = Jan 1970 09:06:08
(2^8) / 2 = 128 highest decimal = Jan 1970 00:02:08
Asuming midnight is epoch. 128 seconds was limit of systems "these" days. Did you used computer timer "back then" or system worked another way?