
I am simply following setup instruction and one of them mention to type in linux:

$ mv red52/ /usr/lib

davy@ubuntu:~/Desktop/openmeetings$ mv red52/ /usr/lib
mv: cannot move red52/' to/usr/lib/red52': Permission denied

Permission denied, what should I do to make it work?

Member Avatar for Sanchit_Sahu

either the folder 'red52' doesnt have the moving and editing rights
OR the folder where you are moving doesnt have editing rights.

Use to following command to first give the folder proper rights and then try moving it.

davy@ubuntu:~/Desktop/openmeetings$ mv red52/ /usr/lib chmod -R 0777 red52

Member Avatar for Sanchit_Sahu

either the folder 'red52' doesnt have the moving and editing rights
OR the folder where you are moving to doesnt have editing rights.

Use to following command to first give the folder proper rights and then try moving it.

davy@ubuntu:~/Desktop/openmeetings$ mv red52/ /usr/lib chmod -R 0777 red52

Actually, Sanchit is incorrect. You need to be using sudo to move the file. root is the owner of /usr/lib/, so in order to move the red52 folder to /usr/lib/, you will need to be root.
So try this instead:
sudo mv red52/ /usr/lib/
That should work!

Try a command

setenforce 0

see hope ur issue will be resolved....

commented: Putting SELinux into permissive mode would not be a good idea. Definitely not appropriate for this problem! -2
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