So, I'm at school right now. In programming (actually coding) class.

I managed to get working Apache and everything's fine.
Got MySQL runnin', which is nice. But then it turned out that I had to use terminal for all the SQL commando's I had to put inside. I'm not close to that good to manage database by commands. So I wanted to use phpmyadmin, which prompted thousands errors and I can't even look into a table I just set up.

Does somebody know Ubuntu friendly MySQL database manager?

You can install phpmyadmin:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

I hope it will work with your previous xampp install.

commented: That's not funny dude. +0

So I wanted to use phpmyadmin, which prompted thousands errors and I can't even look into a table I just set up.


You can install phpmyadmin:

Are you frickin' serious?

Sorry, I'm using phpmyadmin very often in kubuntu and it works very well. Perhaps your unorthodox install of xampp instead of lamp creates problems. I would look in the xampp documentation if I were you.

Perhaps your unorthodox install of xampp instead of lamp creates problems.

"Unorthdox". Baloney... that's what it's called, bull****. XAMPP was downloaded in Linux version. There's nothing about Windows to it.

Anybody answer?

MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench

Nope. Tried this one. But answer is already solved, you can manually install phpmyadmin because one that comes with Ubuntu, fails.

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