(short version of the story)
I'm using Kubuntu in BIOS Legacy State as this was the only way I could see USB option in Boot Menu (F12). And it was the only way I could install Kubuntu from USB, from boot. I "burned" USB using OEM Windows 10 and told Kubuntu to take entire disk (effectively wiping out all bloatware).
If I enable BIOS UEFI mode, I see "No Bootable Device" icon because Linux and UEFI don't like one another(?), and already mentioned, list of bootable devices disappear (In Legacy Mode, there are 5 positions, HDD, USB, network etc., in UEFI mode, nothing, empty list).
I ran: dd bs=4M if=/path/to/win10.iso of=/dev/sdx && sync
with correct path and correct USB and it didn't work. Screen flickered couple times and the only thing I saw was Kubuntu's logo and it booting up. WinUSB is not a choice since it's seemingly offline, unetBootin never worked. I'm not aware of any such easy tools.
I don't know what to do, is it possible to install Windows 10 on Legacy BIOS from USB on Linux?
Any ideas? How can I successfully "burn" USB, boot it and actually install it?
Currently my computer is in Legacy BIOS mode, with enablable UEFI mode with Secure Boot disabled.
After dd
I can easily reformat my USB (which means it's not hardware failure) and reuse it. Could someone knowledgable guide me?
I have two iso's actually, one from Windows 10 and one from Windows 7 (oldie but goodie).
I don't know what to do.