hey all, I've never been in this forum before; but then I've only just got into using my Linux PC.
I'm using Mandrake with mostly KDE sessions, and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how to do something that seems simple... I have only got old(er) web browsers on here, so I figured I'd download Firefox version 2; downloaded, unzipped, now I have a load of files and I don't know what to do with them.
All the ones that "look" like applications don't do anything when I open them: I'll get a question "Do you really want to execute 'file:/home/matt/firefox/firefox-bin'?" and then nothing...
do I have to move them somewhere, or do something to get them to be applications? there doesn't even seem to be an "install" file..
firefox website isn't helpful, it has an "installing the application" section; but all it really says is "first, install the application" =P