So I just transferred all my websites (a dozen of them) to a new webhost who runs Linux:
I have a couple of MYSQL databases for phpBB2 that I need to do daily backups of - my last host crashed and burned and I lost *EVERYTHING*, even tho they swore they were doing backups of everything. The moral of that story is "Never trust anyone to do backups for you..."
anyway, I keep hearing about "oh just run a CRON job" to back things up. Not familiar w/ CRON - I'm looking for a simple script that I can use to do this. Anyone have anything I can tweak as a starting point?
The other thing I need is a watchdog process to fire an email off to me if it detects that the MYSQL server shuts down. It shut down today for NO apparent reason. The support staff couldnt find out why either. Restarted fine but I had calls from too many people before I looked into it. would rather be proactive and know about it from the source rather from the affected.
Any help appreciated!