Sorry for the bad title of this post, but I have more than just one question... Thanks in advance for any answers to the following questions:
[Ubuntu 6.06 LTS]

1) In the terminal, wine notepad.exe and wine regedit.exe work, but others such as wine write.exe or wine sol.exe or wine cmd.exe do not. Why do some work, and why do others not?

2) Where is the c:\\windows\\system32\\ and / or any other windows directories? I only have / as my root (as every other Linux user does).

3) How do I install Windows applications under wine? Do I use the wine command, such as:

sudo wine install powerpoint.exe

or is there a different way?

4) Does wine have a graphical version?

In the terminal, wine notepad.exe and wine regedit.exe work, but others such as wine write.exe or wine sol.exe or wine cmd.exe do not. Why do some work, and why do others not?

Every Windows program is written differently. Some work, others not. You should always check out the entry for a particular program in the Wine application database, and then look for hacks and fixes to make the program work.

Where is the c:\\windows\\system32\\ and / or any other windows directories? I only have / as my root (as every other Linux user does).

Wine keeps the Windows directory tree very well hidden. To access it, you'll need to run something like:

# cd ~/.wine

Inside there, you'll find the C drive, the system registry, and a few other files.

How do I install Windows applications under wine? Do I use the wine command, such as:

sudo wine install powerpoint.exe

or is there a different way?

You usually don't need sudo to install programs, because the entire 'C' drive is actually in your home folder. So there's no root access necessary. If the install fails, make sure you check again the program's entry in the Wine app database. There's usually installation instructions for the more problematic applications. But I think that MS Office is completely supported under Wine.

Does wine have a graphical version?

There are wrappers that have built themselves around Wine's core. For example, CrossOver Office is built on Wine's base and is completely graphical and offers better application support. Darwine is a Mac version. For Linux, you may want to check out the included Winefile program for an explorer-like environment to Wine.


wine powerpnt.exe

General rule for wine compaitibility

all 3.11 era apps run
neraly all 95/nt4 era apps run
most 98 era apps run
about half win2k apps run
about 1/4 xp era apps run

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