Just thought that I would let everyone in on the fact that the new SimplyMEPIS 6.5 Rc1 can read AND write to windows NTFS file systems. :)
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
Infarction 503 Posting Virtuoso
Just so's you know -
Gentoo: emerge ntfs3g
Ubuntu: apt-get install ntfs-3g
Fedora: yum install ntfs-3g
and that's just the distros I run...
Mepis ain't that special ;)
John A 1,896 Vampirical Lurker Team Colleague
The technology's been around for a while, it just isn't that reliable. I wouldn't start using it on a regular basis, although for emergency or testing purposes it's great.
In a few years more bugs will have been weeded out, and I suspect it will have a reliablility similar to FAT32 on Linux.
jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
yeah ive known for ages that you can read/write ntfs but i heard that its buggy and can trash your partition so ive stayed away from it
pheeror 12 Light Poster
My favorite Live distro SLAX can to it too. I used ntfs-3g to transfer gigs from and to ntfs partition without problem(ACL was lost, of course).
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
Just so's you know -
Gentoo: emerge ntfs3g
Ubuntu: apt-get install ntfs-3g
Fedora: yum install ntfs-3g
and that's just the distros I run...
Thanks for the info. Nice to know. But MEPIS is special. To me. I like it better than ubuntu. Haven't tried fedora or gentoo. I don't plan on trying them. MEPIS does it all. For me.
The writing to ntfs is new to MEPIS so I thought that I would share it. Guess I've been leading a sheltered life for too long. Thanks for the update. MEPIS is my choice. That's from the ubuntus, kanotix's, knoppix's, dsl's, debian, vector linux's, PClinuxOS, sabayon, sidux linux's that I have used. I know that I have forgotten some that I have used but MEPIS has been the most reliable. As a matter of fact as soon as I submit the reply I will probably remember a few more that didn't quite cut it. We get a lot of x-ubuntu, x-gentoo and x-fedora users coming to MEPIS and not the other way around so that says something. ;)
Infarction 503 Posting Virtuoso
Most distros will offer pretty much the same packages. Sometimes one distro will have a package another doesn't but you can always install it w/o the package manager as well. The difference between distros is basically the packaga manager, the branding, and the community.
We get a lot of x-ubuntu, x-gentoo and x-fedora users coming to MEPIS and not the other way around so that says something. ;)
How do you know it's not the other way around? ;)
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
Most distros will offer pretty much the same packages. Sometimes one distro will have a package another doesn't but you can always install it w/o the package manager as well. The difference between distros is basically the packaga manager, the branding, and the community.
How do you know it's not the other way around? ;)
There was a thread at mepislovers.org where guys were talking about the other linux's that they tried. There was a lot of x fedora, gentoo, ubuntu users along with x slackware, PClinuxOS, mandrake, linspire, but mostly x gentoo and x fedora. I guess MEPIS outperformed them enough to make the jump over to MEPIS. That's what a lot of the members in that thread were saying. MEPIS is fast and reliable. MEPIS has one of the best linux installers that there is. Try and match that one with the installer that your linux has. If you think you can. Not many installers are as good as the one in MEPIS. MEPIS just does everything well. You can get gparted in synaptic package manager. We have beryl that comes with the install. Our live cd or dvd can load the new nvidia driver for you to play with beryl and 3-d games when you are using the live disk. Does fedora or gentoo do that?
However if gentoo or fedora can load grub to root while installing I would be glad to try them out and let you know what I think of them personally. That is if they have the option of loading grub to root? What are the installers like with fedora and gentoo? What kind of packages do they use? Is it easy to get libdvdcss2, transcode, w32codecs installed with fedora or gentoo? If it is then I might try them out. Otherwise they wouldn't be worth the trouble. I've been spoiled by MEPIS. The MEPIS forums are the best that I've seen for speed and reliable answers. How are the gentoo and fedora forums like? Friendly? It's important to have a good forum if you need some help. You have made me interested in your preferred versions of linux so I may try. If they can load grub to root. :cheesy:
John A 1,896 Vampirical Lurker Team Colleague
>Try and match that one with the installer that your linux has.
That's easy... http://goodbye-microsoft.com/ ;)
Ubuntu also has a similar installer.
>You can get gparted in synaptic package manager.
So? Lots of other distros have Synaptic and can install gparted with similar ease.
>That is if they have the option of loading grub to root?
Sure, I believe Slackware and Debian both have the option of choosing where to install GRUB or LILO. Although why would you want to install it on the root partition anyway? Master Boot Record is generally better, especially if you want to dual-boot multiple operating systems.
>What are the installers like with fedora and gentoo?
They're quite good. Gentoo uses Portage, which you'd be hard-pressed to find a better program that automatically compiles source. And Fedora and other Debian-based distributions come with Synaptic package manager, which makes installing packages very easy.
>Is it easy to get libdvdcss2, transcode, w32codecs installed with fedora or gentoo?
Yep, Fedora has RPMs available, and Ubuntu has the .debs in its repository. I'm not sure about Gentoo.
DimaYasny 180 Godmode enabled Team Colleague Featured Poster
Fedora is a very buggy distro. Probably because the RH developers use it for testing on innocent civilians, Microsoft style. But there's always CentOS and WhiteBox (and probably several others I don't know of).
Anyhow, this whole Meris propaganda looks pretty lame to anyone who knows anything about linux. Because everything mentioned above is available fro any of the better known distros, and is easily installable on any other distro with a little bit of ./configure :)
What is a really good surprise is Ubuntu. They have come a long way, and are a really excellent distro. Of course if you take Debian, and tweak it a bit, it will outperform any one of the *buntus, but out-of-the box, Ubuntu is VERY good, compared to almost every other distro out there. Actually, there are already several Ubuntu-based distros outside the *buntu line of products. So I guess the GNU - Linux line of distributions can now split under Debian into Ubuntu based, and Debian based distr.
jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
yeah i like ubuntu as it has apt making it great for ready to go out of the box family systems as its livecd, has good driver support and things like libdvdcss can be installed easialy using automartix and ubuntu.
i prefer debian netinstall if i want to make a server or tweaked out system
use do like slackware circa version 9 but the lack of something like APT annoys me
PCLinux OS just rocks but feels a bot bloated and overly eyecandied
Dont like MEPIS
Dont like fedora as its slow and buggy
Love CentOS , i use it on my legacy pcs as its functional and stable but runs nice on lower amounts of RAM

I guess MEPIS outperformed them enough to make the jump over to MEPIS
I don't think we're talking about speed here...MEPIS is an i386 distro...an unbloated OpenSuse will outperform it.
Not only that, but Mandriva boots in 40 seconds...distrowatch's fastest booting Desktop Linux distro they've seen.
I've been playing with PCLinuxOS Test Release 3...it boots in 32 seconds :) Now that's FAST.
As someone who's been using MEPIS since 2003.06, I'd have to say that PCLOS 2007 is much better than anything Warren has put out.
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
I've heard guys at mepislovers.org forum say that pclinuxos wouldn't detect a vid card that MEPIS would, but I don't have to convince any of you guys, I'm not trying to. It's just that MEPIS is easier to use than the other guys. Easier to set up. Better overall. Try a new version of MEPIS before you all get your hairs up.
And joeprogrammer if you don't realize the benefits of installing grub to root then I will tell you.
First thing you must do is install MEPIS or any other linux, that uses grub, and install grub to the Mbr of hda when you install.. Easy so far. Lots of linux can do that.
Secondly for every extra linux that you also want on your hard drive you just install grub to the root partition that that particular linux is being installed to.
In this manner you could boot well over a hundred linux operating systems or even more on one computer. The days of dual booting are over. This is multi-multi multi-booting
This will work for as many linux installs as you want. It is called chainloading.
Right now I chainload NINE linux operating systems. All are installed to hard drive. All bootable. Almost all get changed a lot.
Here is an example
By installing grub to root, on an installed linux on hdb6, you can then make an addition to your boot/grub/menu.lst like this.
title MEPIS at hdb6
rootnoverify (hd1,5)
chainloader +1
This addition is made to the grub that you DID install to the Mbr of hda.
All other extra linux installs are installing grub to root and you never edit the grub that is installed to root. Just add to the grub that is installed to the Mbr of hda.
The other BIG advantage of installing grub to root on hdb6 is that if I decide to install another linux in place of whatever is on hdb6 I never have to re-edit my main grub/menu.lst again. As long as grub is installed to root on that partition then the newly installed linux will boot. As soon as I have finished the install. Take out the install disk and you can boot. Makes trying out new linux operating systems easy. I do it a lot.
Here is a copy of my boot/grub/menu.lst
It is so long that I have a scrollbar on my grub menu when I boot up.
timeout 15
color cyan/blue white/blue
foreground ffffff
background 0639a1
gfxmenu /boot/grub/message
title MEPIS 6.5 Rc1 at hda5
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
chainloader +1
title MEPIS 6.0 at hda2
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1
title MEPIS 6.5 beta 7 shares home with rc1 at hda9
rootnoverify (hd0,8)
chainloader +1
title MEPIS 3.3.1-1 at hda10
rootnoverify (hd0,9)
chainloader +1
title knoppix 5.1.1 debian install at hdb1
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1
title knoppix disk at hdb3
rootnoverify (hd1,2)
chainloader +1
title debian etch with kde at hdb5
rootnoverify (hd1,4)
chainloader +1
title debian etch with gnome at hdb6
rootnoverify (hd1,5)
chainloader +1
title not installed at hdb8
rootnoverify (hd1,7)
chainloader +1
title MEPIS 6.0 for testing at hdb10
rootnoverify (hd1,9)
chainloader +1
title not installed at hdb12
rootnoverify (hd1,11)
chainloader +1
title MEPIS at hda7, kernel 2.6.15-1-586tsc
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-1-586tsc root=/dev/hda7 nomce quiet vga=791
title Windows at hda1
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
kernel /boot/memtest86.bin
You see all of the additions that say 'not installed' ?
I put these additions in the menu.lst long before there ever is an operating system installed to that partition. Now when I install a new linux to hdb12 it will boot as soon as I finish the install and re-boot.
As long as grub is installed to root. No more editing or changing grub for that partition. I may go in and edit in the name, or pet name, for my install on hdb12 but it doesn't really matter if I do or not. It just helps me to know what is installed where.
The space between 'title' and 'at hdb12' really doesn't mean a thing except to let you know what is installed there. Put anything there that you like. The real name of the linux or a name you like to call it, it doesn't matter.
I do this ALL of the time. I have tested many many types of linux this way. The only prerequisite is that the linux that you are installing must be able to install grub to root. I don't use lilo for this as I'm not sure how to set it up like this and I don't even want to know. This way is tops as 60 % of the linux's out there use grub and not lilo.
So if you want to multi-boot then create your partition with gparted or something that works as good and then install grub to root on that partition.
This way you are not stuck with an old fashioned dual boot set up.
IMPORTANT.....When you make your fourth partition be sure to make it into an 'extended' partition that uses ALL of the remaining space on your drive. That way the 'extended' partition can be divided up into as many partitions as you need. I also heard that sata drives can only be divided into 15 partitions but I can't say for sure as I use pata or ata as it is commonly called.
If anyone needs some more help with multi-booting as many extra linux's that you want or need just ask. I think this post does explain it. I will help if I can.
Hope that clarifies things a bit about me, MEPIS, the linux's that I've tried, multiple booting and all that. I'm a distro testing addict. :eek:
MEPIS Rocks. Rock on people.
jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
(in debian, suse and fedora all you do is check a checkbox!)
DimaYasny 180 Godmode enabled Team Colleague Featured Poster
this whole mepis thing is starting to look more and more like spam. personally, after seeing this mess here, I'm totally disgusted by mepis, without even trying it
John A commented: I must congratulate you on saying this. I don't think I am EVER going to try out MEPIS after what this guy said. --joeprogrammer +8
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
(in debian, suse and fedora all you do is check a checkbox!)
No need to yell or to get your britches in a knot. debian, suse and fedora are NOT all the linux distros. And try and install grub to root on dsl. No checkbox to click there. Just to let you know. You have never tried to install grub to root on dsl, have you?
Only 60 % of linux even uses grub. The other 40 % uses lilo. I didn't say that installing grub to root was anything special. So why did you say that to me? Are you trying to start a fight? I won't back down when I know that I am right.
I can say anything that I want on here as long as I don't break forum rules or be insulting. I'm not distro-bashing just 'cause I say that MEPIS is better than most linux versions. It is. If anyone doesn't like MEPIS then you could at least have the decency to say why in an intelligent manner.
And I mean why you stopped using MEPIS. Not whether you think a thread is 'messy' , 'spam' or 'disgusting' Statements like that really show no tact at all. If ANYONE has a PROBLEM with me them send me a private message. I should contact the site administrator to see whether you guys are bashing MEPIS or not. I don't bash. I just tell it like it is. Maybe some of you aren't ready for that. It sounds more like I hit a nerve with someone in one of my posts so I am going to contact the administrator for a decision or at least some clarification on distro-bashing at this site.
DimaYasny are you joking? I really am surprised at your remark when I look at your other posts. You seemed really levelheaded and made some good points Spam? How would you even know? You obviously HAVEN'T tried MEPIS. So to make a narrow minded statement like that just reduces your own credibilty. It's people like you that make a snap decision and post before thinking, and before trying something that get me choked. Not very professional.
I say to all of you guys that have bashed MEPIS without trying it "Don't knock MEPIS till you have tried it". Period. You just don't know enough about MEPIS to spew garbage like that all over the forum.
It's junk posts like DimaYasny's that that gives forums bad P.R.
I don't care who are the little favorites of this site. I am going to tell it like it is no holds barred. I can do that without insulting, bashing or being ignorant. I would expect the same from you all. What I am really hearing is a bunch of jealousy against MEPIS. PClinuxOS is pretty good. It needs more work though. It has some nice eye candy but you can get that with any version of linux.
If ANY of you HAVE tried MEPIS and couldn't get it to work, or it failed you for some reason, then by all means share it with us all. But if you are like DimaYasny and say garbage in a post when you admittedly say that you have never tried MEPIS?Then don't bother wasting space on my thread with an insulting post. It makes the site look cheap.
I'm done now. I'm going to contact the admin about the posts that some of you left. if she says that I'm out of line and it's ok for you to bash then I will apoligize to everyone I have irked but if you can bash then so can I and what does that show?
joeprogrammar MEPIS uses ubuntu repos and the ubuntu installer is not as good as the MEPIS one. There is NO box to check to install grub to root and there is no option to re-install grub from the live ubuntu cd so if you could research a bit more before commenting on one of my topics it would be more professional of you.Thank you very much. ;)
DimaYasny 180 Godmode enabled Team Colleague Featured Poster
DimaYasny are you joking?
trust me, when I'm joking, I make everyone get the joke.
I really am surprised at your remark when I look at your other posts.
maybe, if you didn't provoke such remarks, you would be betetr heard.
You seemed really levelheaded and made some good points Spam?
every post of yours here looks like you're either trying to sell those mepis cd's or trying to pull as many users as you can over to one of those mepis forums you mentioned. if that isn't spam, then I really don't know what is. and believe me, after 14 years in the biz - I DO.
How would you even know?
I don't give a damn about the distro I use, as long as it suites my needs. what you have done here is make people consider mepis as a mess of a distro, because it is being promoted by forum spam.
You obviously HAVEN'T tried MEPIS.
and I most probably will not.
So to make a narrow minded statement like that just reduces your own credibilty.
alow me to take care of my own credibility by myself. thank you.
It's people like you
generalizing? tsk tsk tsk...
that make a snap decision and post before thinking
usually because everywhere else spam is removed automatically. I personally use qmail with spamassassin. too bad it can't be applied to the forums I like visiting.
and before trying something that get me choked.
call 911? ambulance maybe?
Not very professional.
I don't think you have a way to judge my professionality.
I say to all of you guys that have bashed MEPIS without trying it "Don't knock MEPIS till you have tried it". Period. You just don't know enough about MEPIS to spew garbage like that all over the forum.
we know enough about it's promoters. no normal distro is being promoted in this way. even the agressive promotion ubuntu people did at first was CORRECT. instead of shouting everywhere, they offered free CDs, with free shipment. look how far ubuntu has come because of that.
It's junk posts like DimaYasny's that that gives forums bad P.R.
oh yeah, indeed
P.S. to the mods: is there an ignore button on DaniWeb?
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
You are uninformed. I gain nothing by people using MEPIS. I'm just trying to help new users switch from windows to linux. MEPIS linux. May as well get them off to a good start as give them a linux that may be hard to learn or use.
Do you really think that your last two posts were beneficial posts that could help anyone?
I don't think so and if you do then you need some help. I'm not selling MEPIS but I do say to everyone I can that they should try it. And I'm not trying to steal users from this site to any other. I like MEPIS better. Is that a crime? It seems like it on this site. You and all the others can have your favs but I can't? Remarks like yours are cheap. You hide behind the forum and try to tempt me to drop down to your level of insults? No way man I am better than that. I make all of my statements about MEPIS from personal experience. I know that you can't say that. You admitted to never trying MEPIS yet you have the nerve to bash my favorite distro. If you don't want to use MEPIS then that is your choice. I would appreciate you staying off my threads until you can learn some manners. I have already sent a pm to the admin about your conduct so she is going to read this thread. You would do well with some basic human relation courses. You have a long way to go. You shouldn't even be posting if you don't have something constructive to add to a thread. I NEVER post on a thread where I don't know ANYTHING about a subject. You could learn from that. :eek:
DimaYasny 180 Godmode enabled Team Colleague Featured Poster
You are uninformed.
am I now?
I gain nothing by people using MEPIS.
why then try to pull people into in by the ears? it usually hurts.
I'm just trying to help new users switch from windows to linux.
the people on here, already use linux. not for games and silly agitation, but for work. real production servers, desktops used for CAD and so forth. maybe you should try your tricks on a kiddie forum, for 10 year olds? thay might find the fact that you can install 200 OSes on 1 HD a thrill.
MEPIS linux.
May as well get them off to a good start as give them a linux that may be hard to learn or use.
the best distro to learn linux on is a distro you have to build from scratch. something like gentoo. everything else - you might as well stick to windows.
Do you really think that your last two posts were beneficial posts that could help anyone?
do you really think any of your posts were beneficial to anyone? except for the mazochists who like to get aggravated of course
I don't think so and if you do then you need some help.
as I said, I'm perfectly capable of making such conclusions for myself, if I need to.
I'm not selling MEPIS
that's not what it looks like
but I do say to everyone I can that they should try it.
maybe you should stop
And I'm not trying to steal users from this site to any other.
right. should I really go to the trouble of quoting you from everywhere?
I like MEPIS better.
good for you
Is that a crime?
It seems like it on this site.
I'm not a mod here, I'm just a user. but I do have loads of experience from other forums. there are places where you would be banned for this behaviour. you like mepis - well done. that's not a reason for shouting about it on every corner. that's not a reason to argue with everyone who says another distro is good. that's not a reason to spam other people's posts.
You and all the others can have your favs but I can't?
who said that?
Remarks like yours are cheap.
how much?
You hide behind the forum and try to tempt me to drop down to your level of insults?
insults? where?
No way man I am better than that.
i really hope so.
I make all of my statements about MEPIS from personal experience. I know that you can't say that. You admitted to never trying MEPIS yet you have the nerve to bash my favorite distro.
I'm not bashing mepis, I'm bashing the way you act about it.
If you don't want to use MEPIS then that is your choice.
thank you so very much for allowing me that
I would appreciate you staying off my threads until you can learn some manners.
it's a free forum.
I have already sent a pm to the admin about your conduct so she is going to read this thread.
excellent. maybe she will show me how to put you on my ignore list.
You would do well with some basic human relation courses.
you would do well to keep your opinions to yourself.
You have a long way to go.
yeah. as far as I want to go.
You shouldn't even be posting if you don't have something constructive to add to a thread.
but I do. my opinion on the way you trash every post with this mepis crap. do the mepis people know what is going on here? do they know how you are disceriting them?
I NEVER post on a thread where I don't know ANYTHING about a subject. You could learn from that. :eek:
I know enough about systems that can read/write ntfs. or do anything else.
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
Its okay friends, everyone has his / her own opinions. Starting a distro war would just result in getting this thread closed or someone getting infracted. I hope you guys understand...
Have a nice day.
happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
Thanks ~s.o.s~ I was about to post something very similar to that.
mepnoob2005 and dimayasny - opinions are allowed here, even if they differ, it is called discussion. Let's not turn this into a personal slanging match however...
jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
i apoligise for the caps earlier. that was actually not inteneded to be quite so flamey :)
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
Thanks to moderator ~s.o.s~ . Yes thanks for stepping in. I am posting here in a forum that is called 'Getting Started and Choosing a Distro' So why can't I say what I know about MEPIS without getting flamed? It comes from personal experience and use. Not from guessing.
DimaYasny I don't play games on my computer so your remark about a kiddie forum is low. Way low. Even for you.More verbal garbage. Try to contain yourself. This is a public forum and their might be some kids reading here. Or maybe you are trying to get the thread locked?
I say to the mods don't lock this thread due to DimaYasny and his rude and insulting way of posting. I guess he doesn't know any better. That is painfully obvious.
I say again that this forum is for Getting Started and Choosing a Distro so my posts have been right on in that respect. I'm not trying to insult anyone like DimaYasny does in most of his last posts.
It just gets me peed off when guys like DimaYasny throw insults towards my favorite distro when he has never even tried it. That goes for eveyone too. I really don't care if you like MEPIS or not. (Yes, MEPIS is spelled with capital letters. I don't think much of that but that is the way it is spelled) But don't knock it without trying it. At least be honest. I have heard members spewing verbal junk towards MEPIS when that have actually NEVER even tried MEPIS. That is just plain dumb. No other way to describe someone who trys to give an opinion that they have admittedly no experience in.
If you HAVE used MEPIS and you didn't like it for some reason then you have the right to say so. If you haven't used MEPIS then use some common sense and refrain from posting in a thread where you have no experience. It's just plain common sense. Something some of the posters here should try and might try and learn.
And to end my post I say to the mods. How can we start a distro war in a thread that is meant to tell users about various versions of linux ?
So don't lock this thread. Unless csgal says so. Thank you
happygeek 2,411 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
Actually, it is up to the mods here as to if the thread gets locked, not cscgal or myself as admins.
That is what the mods are for, making judgment calls in the forums they look after.
Can I repeat my request to keep it polite and not go for the personal taunting - that last post comes pretty close to trolling for an argumentative response from DimaYasny to be honest...
jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
me and mepnoob05 have setled our differences, lets just hope others can do the same and keep daniweb a nice place for all
maybe it is a good idea to lock this thread, its way off topic anyway
John A 1,896 Vampirical Lurker Team Colleague
I just want to say several things regarding the topic(s) currently being discussed.
Firstly, I am in complete agreement with Davey (Happygeek) and Sanjay (~s.o.s~). Opinions are indeed encouraged here in the forums, and opinions are what makes this forum a lively place, rather than simply an online technical-support service.
However, one thing I feel that has not been mentioned is where to say your opinion. There is a time and a place for your opinion, but there are definitely places where it is not. For example, if someone is discussing a totally different distro, please do not come in and say what your favorite distro is (unless it's the one being discussed). For example mepnoob2005: in one thread regarding Dreamlinux you promoted MEPIS. This is likely what got some users mad at you.
In this forum, threads are designed to keep topics separate. Just like you don't start discussing the president in a C++ question, please only discuss MEPIS in threads that either are discussing Linux distros in general, or in ones specifically devoted to MEPIS. This thread is a good place to promote MEPIS.
I completely respect your love for MEPIS, and I'm glad you found a distro that you enjoy. But please respect people who don't like MEPIS, as I respect your love for MEPIS.
And this goes for everyone: please try to respect the opinions of others when they differ from yours. Thank you.
jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
I agree 100% with that. And I apoligize for MEPISing the Dreamlinux thread. At least they are both debian. :twisted:
The other thing is that I started using MEPIS back in 2004 3.3 version and I have watched it grow to what it is now. It is like one of my kids in a weird kind of way. Or like a favorite niece or nephew. Watching them grow up. Change. I can feel like a mother bear and her cub when someone hits the right button.
And I know that there is really a fair bit of tweaking that a lot of the users have to go through. You don't consider the tweaking problems as problems anymore when you know what the solution is. How to get sound back. Blacklisting the sound modules that are messing up your sound, or getting into all of the settings for almost every app that MEPIS has. How to make k3b do it all, getting certain hardware recognized. The list of potential hurdles for a lot of the new MEPIS users is high. Not to me. But to someone who has no sound, or no wireless, no printer, or no anything that they had before with such and such distro sucks bigtime and it will leave a bad taste in your mouth for a long time.
Little things like not knowing where to get info on wireless can turn users off of any linux. I can help you get wireless going.
Nvidia or Ati drivers can be a HUGE headache. Until you learn, several times, the wrong way to install the driver. You learn about re-installing x when you have to. I feel I can solve a lot of the woes that a new MEPIS user might run into. And I am here to do just that. I've been through so many of them at one time or another
If you have a debian system and don't know what alsaconf is....that kinda stuf.
So if anyone feels like they want to give MEPIS a try but they don't know how. I am willing to help anyone that wants it with personal support in almost every MEPIS thing that may give you trouble. I have seen many types of troubles and know a lot of the fixes by memory. Or at least where I found the answer.
I am ready to take any and all responsibilty for helping new MEPIS users get going. Get installed. Get apps running as they should.
I can fix most things that need it where MEPIS is concerned. I'm on here all the time and I can give support to any MEPIS user that needs help. So don't think that you are alone with MEPIS. I can help you with pretty much anything that you need to run MEPIS with the ease that I do.
I guess this turned into a kind of a long post but it is about MEPIS and this is a MEPIS thread. So I guess that about says it all for me right now.
I just want to help guys use MEPIS if they need help. Try me out and see. Afterall getting started and choosing a distro has a lot to do with getting help when you need it. I can help with most of it. The really technical stuff I'll leave behind. This help is aimed at the new user level.
So if you have some MEPIS trouble feel more than welcome to post in this forum and if I can help you I will.
Bye for now all. :)

I've heard guys at mepislovers.org forum say that pclinuxos wouldn't detect a vid card that MEPIS would,
I've heard the guys over at mepislovers.org say a lot of stuff and most of it not nice. As long as you agree with what they say, you'll be fine. The minute you find a point of contention, they'll sell you out and ostracize you. :eek:
mepnoob2005 11 Junior Poster
I've heard the guys over at mepislovers.org say a lot of stuff and most of it not nice. As long as you agree with what they say, you'll be fine. The minute you find a point of contention, they'll sell you out and ostracize you. :eek:
Ya right.... How about some links to the 'most of it not nice' posts? I'm a guide and moderator at MEPISlovers so I can reprimand any rude poster there. I've only had to jump on someone once since the beginning of 2005. And I'll supply the good links to counter your supposed 'most of it not nice' links. I know there are a few at MEPISlovers that are rude now and then but that's not the norm .And they get reprimands for continual rudeness. Rudeness is NOT tolerated there. A bit slack in that department here. There have been more rude and un-called for remarks at this forum about my posts than what I've ever seen at MEPISlovers. But like I said I challenge you to provide the links to the 'most of it not nice' posts for all to see then I'll back off and apoligize. It should be easy for you find a lot of mean posts if it is the way you said that it is. Is a half an hour enough time for you? I only need five minutes. The percentage of rude posts is a lot smaller at MEPISlovers, Linuxquestions.org, or any other site that i am a member of than the ratio here. I post on lots of forums with zero trouble compared to here. I'll bet my membership at this site. Will you bet yours to back up your post? Until then you are just posting from feelings, hearsay and not reality. Want to compare some rude posts? Let's get at 'er. We'll see where the rude posts are mostly coming from and you know it. And don't bother bringing any of my 'rebuttal to a rude post' posts to the table. I would never start crap like that and if you look through my posts you'll see that. Why do I always have to defend myself? Hmm? Cause I'm not 'one of the boys' ? You figure it out and we'll both know. Until then don't bother trying to step in. I start with giving respect to all and then I dish out what I have been fed. Get used to it. Respect begets respect. Trash gets...well you know.:rolleyes:
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