Todays every body know what's babylon and some of windows users use this dictionary as their favorite dic .
now i want to learn you how do you use babylon glossary in ubuntu . it's not hard !

for first you need to download Stardic dictionary in ubuntu .

when package downloaded , double click on it and install package using package manager .

Close the Stardict if it's running .

then go to Babylon Glossary Page and download your favorite Glossary .

now you need to convert the bgl file ( bgl is the format of babylon glossary ) . to convert it you need a program call dictconv . type this commands in terminal :

wget -c

sudo dpkg -i dictconv_0.2-0~3v1ubuntu1_i386.deb

when you installed dictconv , you should convert bgl file with this command in terminal :

dictconv test.BGL -o test.ifo

(test is the name of your downloded glossary )

the output of this command is three file :

test.ifo , test.idx , test.dict

now type this commands in terminal :

sudo apt-get install dictzip

dictzip test.dict

this will convert your test.dict file to .

now put these files to a folder same as test :

test.ifo , test.idx ,

then you should copy the " test " folder to Stardict dictionary directory . to do it :

sudo cp -r test /usr/share/stardict/dic

that's all . now open Stardict again .

Enjoy :icon_wink:

Stop Spamming!!!!!

Ey val

Stop Spamming!!!!!

who are you ?
are you ok ?

do you know whats the meaning of spam ?

i am sorry for you and all of users that think same as you .


Yes, I am OK, and I do know the meaning of spam.
After your first post, another user, or bot, posted spam, which is why posted that. I reported the post and was deleted. So even though it looks like I'm referring to your post, I'm not, I'm referring to the one that was deleted. Sorry about that.

Yes, I am OK, and I do know the meaning of spam.
After your first post, another user, or bot, posted spam, which is why posted that. I reported the post and was deleted. So even though it looks like I'm referring to your post, I'm not, I'm referring to the one that was deleted. Sorry about that.

So what's the point of replying to a post which is going to get deleted anyway? What's even the point of replying to spam? It's not like the spammer is going to read your post. :icon_rolleyes:

>So what's the point of replying to a post which is going to get deleted anyway? What's even the point of replying to spam? It's not like the spammer is going to read your post.

That's true, I shouldn't have done it. I apologize to the original poster. Next time I'll just report it.

I tried following your instruction on converting the BGL file to ifo but everytime terminal tells me the following:
Error openning Babylon_English_Arabic.BGL
Error converting Babylon_English_Arabic.ifo

What is the problem?

I tried following your instruction on converting the BGL file to ifo but everytime terminal tells me the following:
Error openning Babylon_English_Arabic.BGL
Error converting Babylon_English_Arabic.ifo

What is the problem?

Hi, I'm new. I've recently installed Ubuntu, and I have the same problem with Babylon. Help?

tnx for you post.
Its ok. But there is a problem. after converting .bgl fies, stardict displays some of them in xml format instead of interpreting them.

I am really pissed off, that Babylon is not available for Linux and with wine Babylon it is not working...
I already tried some other manuals and they are not working.
But the good thing, Stardict works great with YOUR manual!
Thank you, I love it!

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