i wanna know if this is all legal,

is telnet freeshell.org free and legal?

it asked me to set up for a netbsd account and stuff


I would think that it is legal. Why? Because it is inviting you to sign up into their system. A number of places and technical networks that prohibit unauthorized access will tell you upon contacting the machine that unauthorized use is prohibited.

It looks to me that the freeshell (in effect, a command line interface... we unix people call the command line environment a shell) is simply a training / explore environment for people to use. I do not know if it is locked down or anything... other than that it is there.

Just my $.02 opinion.


Yeah, freeshell.org is completely legal.

You can pay for a shell account there, if you'd like. People tend to think that freeshell is for "MAD H4><0rz" or something, when all they offer is a shell account. In fact, if they caught you doing anything illegal with your account, you'd be out their digital door.

thank you, cause im not a cracker, and im not in to that illegal stuff. i signed up for a free temp account, but first i must learn MS-DOS, to know the commands. Thank you guys

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sorry, my bad. i didnt realize it.. lol wont let it happen again i promise

thank you, cause im not a cracker, and im not in to that illegal stuff. i signed up for a free temp account, but first i must learn MS-DOS, to know the commands. Thank you guys

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You mean Unix commands :p MS-DOS is microsoft...

ya i know but the kid theat had me sign up said i needed to know some dos too. did you wall read a book on unix b4 you started??

ya i know but the kid theat had me sign up said i needed to know some dos too. did you wall read a book on unix b4 you started??

You don't need to know DOS at all to use freeshell. It's just a shell account on a UNIX box (NetBSD, if I'm not mistaken). If you pay for a freeshell account, you get an email address there, and access to it through ssh and telnet. I think you even get some webspace or something...

If you'd like to pick up some books, there are some good ones: UNIX in a Nutshell, UNIX for Dummies, Learning the UNIX Operating system, you name it. There are plenty of free resources out there if you do some searching. UNIX/Linux/BSD isn't really hard, just different. If you have the proper guides, it will be a snap to learn.

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