I have a machine running Windows 2000 and Red Hat 9 (dual boot) on separate HDs
HD 1 is Windows 2000; HD 2 is Red Hat 9
Everything is working fine, except for i cannot see the drive with Windows from
Red Hat.
Some told me that you have to modify your /etc/fstab in order to see it.
Here is what my fstab look like:
LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot ext3 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/dev/hdb3 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
/dev/cdrom1 /mnt/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,owner,kudzu 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000
/dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000
/dev/hda6 /mnt/hda6 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000
Can anyone help me to get this working.