VMWare Red Hat 9
Note: I'm new to Linux. I just want to get it running initially so I can learn from it.

I had to statically assign the DNS addresses. How do I get Red Hat 9 to detect the DNS settings for the system?

I decompressed the VMware tools to my desktop and attempted to install them by double clicking the vmware-install.pl. It seems to pop-up a window really quick and I can't read anything from it. I have read that there is suppose to be a wizard that I can just accept the defaults to.

Do I need to run this through the terminal window? If I do, how do I navigate through the terminal window back to the desktop of the root user? I couldn't seem to find it.

Also, please remember I'm very new to Linux having spent all my time in the Windows world. If there is something you suggest I do in Linux, I need you to clearly spell it out for me. I have no idea where features are located and when I start the machine it starts up in XWindows.

The entire time I am running as the root user. I understand that this is the all powerful account, but I don't want to be tripped up with permission issues until I know the system is running reasonably well.

Thanks in advance.

I Haven't messed with Red Hat 9, or VMWare but I will try to help you out as best I can. I am familiar with Red Hat 8, but the box that it's on needs a new motherboard so I can't go on there and play around with VMWare at the moment. If the VMWare package you got is the source code and needs to be compiled, then you will need to open up a terminal and navigate to the directory that was created when you uncompressed it and then run the command "make" then "make install" after that's finished. But first you should really cat the README file that is in that directory to read their instructions on how to install it. There are several ways to read files from the command line (I personally use VI on almost all files unless they are extremely large then I use LESS. Just an old habit). The easiest way to read a file for you right now would probably be by typing "more filename". If all you are supposed to do is run the vmware-install.pl script then you should do it on the command line to see what messages it produces when it's executed. To execute the vmware-install.pl script (while in the same directory that it's located in) you will run ". vmware-install.pl". Since you login to XWindows as root (I would suggest logging in as a different user) then the desktop should be located at /root/desktop or something like that, but I don't have access to a Linux box that is running X right now to double check. If you are having problems finding it, then you can run the command "find /root -name vmware-install.pl". If that doesn't find it then you can do "find / -name vmware-install.pl", but will take a lot longer. If that script is throwing out errors and you don't know what it's talking about, then paste the entire message into a post so one of us can try to figure out what you need to do. Sorry that i'm not too familiar with vmware, and couldnt' provide more usefull info.

PS. On a side note, I like the new look Dani. I've looked at this site from time to time ever since I got a call from you on the support line of your old hosting company, but never posted until now. What made you switch providers? I know this site had to be moved to like 4 or 5 different servers, but the last one you were on is pretty stable. I know this because my site is on the same one. :) Does this look familiar ([root@hydrangea techtalkforums]#)? Anyway, love the site.

Thanks LinuxTechie :) As a sidenote, oh goodness gracious - don't ask all the problems I've had - but I haven't left you guys! ... I've been moved from cadet to hydrangea to I forgot what to chartreuse, where I now reside. As of Monday (hopefully) I'm moving to a dedicated server with you guys! Just to add to the troubles, I signed up with a dedicated server last Saturday, sent the contract back on Tuesday, and I'm still waiting!!

Thanks LinuxTechie :) As a sidenote, oh goodness gracious - don't ask all the problems I've had - but I haven't left you guys! ... I've been moved from cadet to hydrangea to I forgot what to chartreuse, where I now reside. As of Monday (hopefully) I'm moving to a dedicated server with you guys! Just to add to the troubles, I signed up with a dedicated server last Saturday, sent the contract back on Tuesday, and I'm still waiting!!

I PM'd you with some info about the dedicated server situation. Sorry that's it's not up yet. :sad:

I haven't received any private messages. You sure you hit 'send'? ;)

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