Hai, i want to ask you all

I can enter or login to mac os, it still on apple picture always
what should i do?

Do you mean it freezes during boot-up? Or can you make it to the login window?

sorry, what i want to said that i cannot enter my mac OS, its freezes on white background.

the problem appear after i update my mac OS with software updater

You can't enter the OS? Meaning you can login but the desktop never loads? Or do you not even reach the login screen? You really must correct what you're saying as none of us have any idea what you're talking about.

Boot your system with the original OS X cd by holding down the 'c' key until you see the apple on your screen. Wait until the install menu appears. Look at the top and find disk utility. Run this and select your boot disk. Select 'repair permissions'. After this select the option 'reboot'. If that doesn't fix it then you need somebody to do a hands on fix it.

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