
I normally use windows at home but at my office we all use macs. (and I am having a horrible time adjusting to osx). Could anybody please tell me how to do the following 2 things in osx:

1) make my windows snap to the edge like in win7.
2) if snapping to the edge is not possible, make the windows at least not go waaaaaay beyond the edge of my screen. I have an Imac 27" over here and I know that the resolution is setup correctly yet i can drag a window for about 50% off the screen! (why is this implemented in this way anyways).

Any help is welcome, thanks.

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I don't believe there's built-in functionality for snapping to the edge, but you can try Zooom, which is software (you have to pay though) made by a third-party. It has the Magnetics feature, which should do what you want.

perfect. I ll look into zooom and other 3rd party software. thank you

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