The "Paper airplane," icon that you "click," on to send mail is no longer showing on my mailbox toolbar. Can anyone help me with this problem?

Paper airplane? What mail client do you use? "Mail" ?? I use Entourage so sorry I don't think I can help you :(

Is it just the paper airplane or the whole toolbar?

It is just the paper airplane that has disapeared. The rest of the "tool bar," looks normal. I should also mention that I have several hundred e-mails in my "Sent" folder. Could it be a memory problem? I don't want to delete them and I'm not sure how to save them to a CD. When I drag them to disk they jump back to the sent folder.

Sounds like a major problem with your Mail application. Have you deleted some files by mistake in the library or application folder? I would suggest you to reinstall Apple Mail. There is a software that can install only the Mail application not the whole OS. Go to and search for it. I think the software was called something like "patition"!?

Hope you get it fixed! I love the Mail application and I don't use Entourage :)

Thanks to you good people that tried to help. I have since found the solution to the problem - a rather simple solution. A friend of mine came by to help me out . He is a "Windows," user and he clicked the upper right button with the intentions of closing out. This reverted the toolbar back to it's original look. My daughter, who is a "Windows," user had been the last one to use it and this is what she had done. The top right button is one I never had need to click on before which is why it never occured to me to try it.

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