hey there...
does somebody know how to read the problem report for mac ox? thanks guys
here is it:

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 64001 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: 863D13B9-3DEA-4486-9399-AB747546E1BF

Mon Feb 21 09:14:25 2011
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x2aab55): Kernel trap at 0x12368480, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0xff09962b, CR3: 0x00100000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x10332300, EBX: 0x1025d500, ECX: 0x425d0000, EDX: 0x00000000
CR2: 0xff09962b, EBP: 0x58803de8, ESI: 0x013c25b8, EDI: 0x092609c0
EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x12368480, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x08520010
Error code: 0x00000000

Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x58803be8 : 0x21b50c (0x5d4438 0x58803c1c 0x223974 0x0)
0x58803c38 : 0x2aab55 (0x59623c 0x12368480 0xe 0x596406)
0x58803d18 : 0x2a09a8 (0x58803d30 0x0 0x58803de8 0x12368480)
0x58803d28 : 0x12368480 (0xe 0x48 0x58800010 0x115e0010)
0x58803de8 : 0x13a466e (0x1025d500 0x13c25b8 0x58803e18 0x51298e)
0x58803e28 : 0x54ca57 (0x1025d500 0x0 0x0 0x0)
0x58803e78 : 0x13a04ef (0x92609c0 0x13a4652 0x0 0x0)
0x58803ea8 : 0x596fe522 (0x1025d500 0x59702848 0x0 0x54b170)
0x58803ed8 : 0x54086d (0x11014000 0x2 0x11014000 0x11014000)
0x58803f48 : 0x540973 (0x11014000 0x54481c 0x85fc000 0x29f54e)
0x58803f78 : 0x22fd09 (0x11014000 0x0 0x58803fc8 0x227966)
0x58803fc8 : 0x2a06cc (0x863ea0 0x0 0x10 0x8af1884)
Kernel Extensions in backtrace (with dependencies):
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily(4.1.7)@0x138f000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice(2.6.5)@0x1502000
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite(3.9.0)@0x1529000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily(2.6.5)@0x14e8000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOUSBMassStorageClass(2.6.5)@0x151a000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily(2.6)@0x927000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.6.0: Wed Nov 10 18:13:17 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.9.26~3/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBookPro5,4 (Mac-F22587A1)

System uptime in nanoseconds: 64076585117036
unloaded kexts:
com.apple.filesystems.msdosfs 1.6.3 (addr 0x746d4000, size 0x53248) - last unloaded 59798189009345
loaded kexts:
com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverVSP 0.0.45 - last loaded 58146604602544
com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt 0.0.52
com.apple.driver.AppleHWSensor 1.9.3d0
com.apple.driver.AGPM 100.12.19
com.apple.filesystems.autofs 2.1.0
com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyHIDDriver 1.2.0
com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyDriver 1.9.9f12
com.apple.driver.AppleHDA 1.9.9f12
com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC 1.13
com.apple.driver.AppleUpstreamUserClient 3.4.5
com.apple.driver.AppleMCCSControl 1.0.17
com.apple.driver.SMCMotionSensor 3.0.0d4
com.apple.kext.AppleSMCLMU 1.5.0d3
com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
com.apple.driver.AudioIPCDriver 1.1.6
com.apple.driver.AppleIntelPenrynProfile 17
com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin 4.5.0d5
com.apple.driver.AppleBacklight 170.0.34
com.apple.driver.AppleLPC 1.4.12
com.apple.GeForce 6.2.6
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCButtons 200.3.2
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBTCKeyboard 200.3.2
com.apple.driver.AppleIRController 303.8
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBCardReader 2.5.8
com.apple.iokit.SCSITaskUserClient 2.6.5
com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage 1.6.3
com.apple.BootCache 31
com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0d1
com.apple.driver.AirPortBrcm43224 426.36.1
com.apple.driver.AppleSmartBatteryManager 160.0.0
com.apple.nvenet 2.0.15
com.apple.driver.AppleFWOHCI 4.7.1
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHub 4.1.7
com.apple.driver.AppleAHCIPort 2.1.5
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBEHCI 4.1.7
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBOHCI 4.1.5
com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM 1.4.0
com.apple.driver.AppleRTC 1.3.1
com.apple.driver.AppleHPET 1.5
com.apple.driver.AppleACPIButtons 1.3.5
com.apple.driver.AppleSMBIOS 1.6
com.apple.driver.AppleACPIEC 1.3.5
com.apple.driver.AppleAPIC 1.4
com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient 105.13.0
com.apple.security.sandbox 1
com.apple.security.quarantine 0
com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall 2.1.11
com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement 105.13.0
com.apple.driver.AppleProfileReadCounterAction 17
com.apple.driver.DspFuncLib 1.9.9f12
com.apple.driver.AppleProfileTimestampAction 10
com.apple.driver.AppleProfileThreadInfoAction 14
com.apple.driver.AppleProfileRegisterStateAction 10
com.apple.driver.AppleProfileKEventAction 10
com.apple.driver.AppleProfileCallstackAction 20
com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireIP 2.0.3
com.apple.iokit.IOSurface 74.2
com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothSerialManager 2.3.8f7
com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily 10.0.3
com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily 1.8.0fc1
com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib 1.3
com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController 1.9.9f12
com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily 1.9.9f12
com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusController 1.0.8d0
com.apple.iokit.AppleProfileFamily 41
com.apple.driver.AppleSMC 3.1.0d3
com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily 4.5.0d5
com.apple.driver.AppleSMBusPCI 1.0.8d0
com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal 6.2.6
com.apple.NVDAResman 6.2.6
com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport 2.2
com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily 2.2
com.apple.driver.BroadcomUSBBluetoothHCIController 2.3.8f7
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBBluetoothHCIController 2.3.8f7
com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily 2.3.8f7
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMultitouch 206.6
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver 4.1.5
com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 2.6.5
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBMassStorageClass 2.6.5
com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice 2.6.5
com.apple.iokit.IOBDStorageFamily 1.6
com.apple.iokit.IODVDStorageFamily 1.6
com.apple.iokit.IOCDStorageFamily 1.6
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMergeNub 4.1.5
com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite 3.9.0
com.apple.iokit.IOAHCISerialATAPI 1.2.5
com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily 2.6.5
com.apple.driver.XsanFilter 402.1
com.apple.iokit.IO80211Family 312
com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily 1.9
com.apple.driver.NVSMU 2.2.7
com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireFamily 4.2.6
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBUserClient 4.1.5
com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIFamily 2.0.4
com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily 4.1.7
com.apple.driver.AppleEFIRuntime 1.4.0
com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily 1.6.5
com.apple.iokit.IOSMBusFamily 1.1
com.apple.kext.AppleMatch 1.0.0d1
com.apple.security.TMSafetyNet 6
com.apple.driver.DiskImages 289
com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily 1.6.2
com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform 1.3.5
com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily 2.6
com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily 1.3.0
Model: MacBookPro5,4, BootROM MBP53.00AC.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.53 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.49f2
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
Memory Module: global_name
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 2.3.8f7, 2 service, 12 devices, 2 incoming serial ports
Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: FUJITSU MJA2250BH FFS G1, 232.89 GB
Serial ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-868
USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0x24400000
USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0x26500000
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x0236, 0x04600000
USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x04500000
USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06100000
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8213, 0x06110000

starting from the bottom:

"loaded kexts" = "loaded kernel extensions". that lets the reader nkow what's loaded, to maybe isolate the problem or find a common thread among many people reporting the same issue

"BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task" = that looks to be the thread(part of a process/application) that was running when the panic occurred.

the backtrace stuff, that looks like it's the location in memory or on the CPU where the problem occurred.

and finally, the registers. just look up what a register is on wikipeida, as it relates to memory addresses. there are many registers - CR0, CR2, CR3, CR4, EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, CR2, EBP, ESI, EDI, EFL, EIP, CS, DS are the ones that are being reported (probably all of them). Those letters are all acronyms; the one i recognize is EIP, though i forget what that stands for.

thank u so much for taking a look, i still need to check what all this things mean.
i appreciate your effort...thanks again:)

starting from the bottom:

"loaded kexts" = "loaded kernel extensions". that lets the reader nkow what's loaded, to maybe isolate the problem or find a common thread among many people reporting the same issue

"BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task" = that looks to be the thread(part of a process/application) that was running when the panic occurred.

the backtrace stuff, that looks like it's the location in memory or on the CPU where the problem occurred.

and finally, the registers. just look up what a register is on wikipeida, as it relates to memory addresses. there are many registers - CR0, CR2, CR3, CR4, EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, CR2, EBP, ESI, EDI, EFL, EIP, CS, DS are the ones that are being reported (probably all of them). Those letters are all acronyms; the one i recognize is EIP, though i forget what that stands for.

All the above is the location where all your stuft all store. Like your database or cookies or web history. Some has plist behind, this is where your hidden files are found. It is prefectly safe. and you should not be worried what will happened to your mac. About what those means i am not so sure. i just know they are locations

Forget to add.

Good luck to you in finding what u want

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