My G5 imac (tiger) has withered away - or so it seems...!! All of a sudden this afternoon every icon diappeared off the desktop, so I can no longer get into my home folder or the Hard Drive and the finder is completely flipping out (well flashing actually). I can open applications via the dock, which is still visible, but can't do anything as the window flashes on and off all the time.
I cannot get into the finder at all. I have done all the reboots, extentions off, rebuild desktop and PRAM all to no avail. I am now reinstalling All worked backed up just losing lotsa personal stuff -
But has anybody come accross this before? What has happened and why??
It's quite scary. :-(
Thought I would mail from other machine while rebooting!
Any advise/suggestions greatfully recieved :-)

Oh! And I ran disc warrior and that didn't help either! :confused:

Cheers x

Sounds like your explorer might be corrupt with spyware or a virus.

The last time my icons disappeared I had a trojan.

AVG -Free edt. of course.
Ad-Aware Also free.

Run those and see what you come up with.


It is possible that you have a permissions problem. Go into the Disk Utility, and run a permissions check.

Let us know what you find. Your answers are not with AVG or Adaware; those are windows programs, and your Mac will not run them.


Hi there I reinstalled the system - but kept my settings etc, and everything is fine. Fingers crossed xx
I now have the previous system on there too - is it safe to trash this?
I couldn't get to disc utility while it was flipping.
I have not had to delve this deep before! What are disc permissions?
I have had a look at disc permissions this am - and all seems Ok, there are a few at the end that say they differ - see below
I haven't done a repair as everything is working Ok, so am nervous of doing so.
Coul you please advise?
Many many thanks
Kati xx

Group differs on ./private/etc/authorization, should be 80, group is 0
Permissions differ on ./usr/bin/setregion, should be -r-sr-xr-x , they are -r-xr-xr-x
We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./usr/lib/php/build/ New permissions are 33060
Permissions differ on ./usr/lib/php/build/, should be -r--r--r-- , they are -r-xr-xr-x
We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./usr/lib/php/build/acinclude.m4. New permissions are 33060
We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./usr/lib/php/build/mkdep.awk. New permissions are 33060
Permissions differ on ./usr/lib/php/build/mkdep.awk, should be -r--r--r-- , they are -r-xr-xr-x
We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./usr/lib/php/build/phpize.m4. New permissions are 33060
Permissions differ on ./usr/lib/php/build/phpize.m4, should be -r--r--r-- , they are -r-xr-xr-x
We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./usr/lib/php/build/scan_makefile_in.awk. New permissions are 33060
Permissions differ on ./usr/lib/php/build/scan_makefile_in.awk, should be -r--r--r-- , they are -r-xr-xr-x

HaHa yeah stupid me. kc0arf is right I wasn't even thinking about you saying you had a MAC OS. My bad.

HaHa yeah stupid me. kc0arf is right I wasn't even thinking about you saying you had a MAC OS. My bad.

No probs I did note it! Glad someone replied!! :cheesy:

Make sure you install all the updates and re-run Disk Utility locally and repair your permissions when you're all done.

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