I recently got DSL and all was working fine. Made the fatal error of trying to update Mac OSX on line. Botched my whole system and was forced to wipe the drive and reinstall everything. I have 2 printers. One, a Epson Stylus 740 and the other a HP psc 750. The Epson prints fine but the HP does not seem to be able to communicate with my computer. I have reinstalled the printer in both systems 9.2 and in 10.3. Unfortunately I am still required to use both since some of my major software programs have not been updated to a point sufficient to use in just OSX. I am using an older G4.

Can anyone give me some suggestions?


Updating the OS should have been a problem at all.

Checked the cables to the HP? Switched USB ports? Does it show up in the System Profiler?

Yes I checked the cables. In fact, the printer does work if I restart on system 9.2 and print from it. It does show on the system profiler but when I try to print from system OSX it tells me to restart the printer and try again. This of course does not work and I should not have to go back to system 9 every time I print. When I go to print there is an exclamation to the riht of the HP printer. I just deleted the HP from the chooser list and tried to replace it. It gave me the following message, "please type the ip address of your printer in the text box below" I do not know what this would be or where to find it, or even if this will work if I did know it.

Thank you for your response.

I just deleted the HP from the chooser list and tried to replace it. It gave me the following message, "please type the ip address of your printer in the text box below" I do not know what this would be or where to find it, or even if this will work if I did know it.

It's expecting the printer to be networked.. it's not is it? It's hooked up via USB?

You are right. It is not a network and it is USB. I also have run Norton Diskdoctor and keep getting bad Catalog B-tree messages, which I supposedly fix but do not know if this has anything to do with the printer problem. Seems I just never get this system working without gliches, even after I wipe the year old drive.

Appreciate your help.

PLEASE don't use Norton on your OS X box!!! Norton's (any app) time has passed into memory and does far more harm than good on OS X.

You said Chooser, you don't set up an OS X Printer in the Chooser. You use Printer Setup Utility (might be slightly differently named in Panther, I don't remember) and add the printer(s) there. You are doing that, right?

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