I am trying to run the softwareupdate command in single user mode. I have mounted the main volume and started the network so I have internet access and write acces too the file system. When I execute the command I get the following error.

dydl: softewareupdate truncated or malformed library:/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagment.framework/Versions/A/DiskManagement (file is empty)

anyway I can force and update or fix this file?

IBook G4 Mac OS X 10.3.6

I decided to do a non-destructive reinstall. Thanks to those who were thinking about helping.



I am curious why you were in single user mode to try and update the system. Single User mode is a really pared down system, and a lot of the libraries are unloaded. Perhaps the file you are referring to is populated dynamically when the system is loaded. Thus, without the underlying library loading, the file would remain empty. Just a thought.


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