I have an Asus a7n8x-x board with a Duron 750 processor(soon to be upgraded to xp2500+), 256 megs of ram, 32meg video card, currently running Me.

All I really do is surf, not much gaming at all. I have a choice of Me, 98Se, or Windows 2000 Server.

Can someone please tell me which OS would be best for me? Stability is a concern after running Me. Will be a while before I can afford XP.

Also, if I decide to go with 98SE, I don't know how to get rid of Me first, so I can then install 98.


I have an Asus a7n8x-x board with a Duron 750 processor(soon to be upgraded to xp2500+), 256 megs of ram, 32meg video card, currently running Me.

All I really do is surf, not much gaming at all. I have a choice of Me, 98Se, or Windows 2000 Server.

Can someone please tell me which OS would be best for me? Stability is a concern after running Me. Will be a while before I can afford XP.

Also, if I decide to go with 98SE, I don't know how to get rid of Me first, so I can then install 98.


Well, if all you do is surf, I will suggest linux. Or freeBSD I just wrote a thread on how to install it. But if you want to jump into linux.........here is the download site till you can afford XP home OEM. www.LinuxISO.org I will suggest libranet.

I have an Asus a7n8x-x board with a Duron 750 processor(soon to be upgraded to xp2500+), 256 megs of ram, 32meg video card, currently running Me.

All I really do is surf, not much gaming at all. I have a choice of Me, 98Se, or Windows 2000 Server.

Can someone please tell me which OS would be best for me? Stability is a concern after running Me. Will be a while before I can afford XP.

Also, if I decide to go with 98SE, I don't know how to get rid of Me first, so I can then install 98.


Assumming you ,like me don't want to use linux because of the learning curve,If I were you I would go with win 2000.

how to format and reload a computer .


deffinently go with windows 2000 or linux both are very stable and dependable

what about xp :|

what about xp :|

Will be a while before I can afford XP......written by todd

I would go with Windows 2000 out of those three. Why Win2k server? The professional version is fine and a hell of a lot cheaper :)

Mandrake Linux 4 Lyfe!

How bout you hook up with a free WinXp at www.warezfreaks.com. Just don't do it on your school network.

I don't think using warez would be the best idea.

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