I'm having trouble opening .dmg files on my g5 version 10.2.8. When i try stuffit expander opens and nothing happens. i tried pushing file then expand and still nothing. does anyone know what i can do? newbie

Double clicking a .dmg should have it opened and mounted on your Desktop automatically. Maybe it IS working and you didn't know what to look for?

downloading and installing the new version of stuffit expander from stuffit.com will sometimes fix this issue. Make sure to download the free version.

OS X have caused a myriad of problems for users (i.e. rendering Apps useless, Safari slow, FireWire External devices not mounting to desktops, DVD/CD burners/players not working, or DVD/CDs randomly mounting, etc.).

I had the same problem as you with StuffIt Expander. I finally did a search to remove all the files to the trash, then created a folder for them and dragged them into it. Backed them up on a little CD.

Then went online to MacUpdate/VersionTracker, etc. sites & downloaded & resinstalled another. If your Mac uses OS9, check the 'Internet Utilities' folder, and you will find an Aladdin folder with Stuffit to use temporarily.

Double clicking a .dmg should have it opened and mounted on your Desktop automatically. Maybe it IS working and you didn't know what to look for?

1. Select the dmg file and type command-I to get info.

2. In the Info window, at "Open with", drag down to Other. Scroll to System>Library>Core Services>DiskImageMounter.

3. Click "Change all" button, so that the Finder knows always to handle dmg files properly.

4. Close the Info window.

5. Double-click on your recalcitrant dmg file, and it should now open properly. (And so should all the other dmg files you encounter.)

thanks! I'll give it a try.

i want to dmg conveter to windows xp softwere free

dmg to windows xp conveter softwere plese

Hi All
DMG file is a (CD) disk image created for Mac OSX PC's. My guess is that you'd normally unpack it on a Mac OSX PC.
For instance, if the file is meant to create a CD of clipart then yes, you'll be able to unpack it for use on a Windows or Linux PC as well as a Mac.

Closing thread.

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