got iDVD5.0.1 (all the iLife5 stuff)
have a LaCie d2 external firewire DL DVD burner.
also have an internal SL DVD burner.
I want to burn more than 4g of i"movie" to the external from iDVD.
I have been told this is not possable.
I have searched all over for some kind of patch, cracker or "something" that will alow me to access the DL burning that is accessable in iDVD5 for internal DL burners to go to the external.
I have tried the "french" patch but it does not work in panther.
I have the "easter egg" to alow iDVD to default to external and it works for what it is supposed to.

on that note the "easter egg" will alow me to change default only once and then I am stuck with it until I remove "easter egg" docs and reboot.
but I digress....

I want to know if any "gurus" out there can help on this subject.
its either that or I have to buy an internal DL DVD burner.
that would be an expensive bummer....i mean burner. ;)
cheers & aloha,

As far as I'm aware (and I may be wrong about this - so anybody please feel to step in and give me a slap), dual-layer writing is NOT supported by Panther. You would need to upgrade to Tiger for that.


As far as I'm aware (and I may be wrong about this - so anybody please feel to step in and give me a slap), dual-layer writing is NOT supported by Panther. You would need to upgrade to Tiger for that.


It does (slap)....:twisted:
I can do DL from toast titanium 6.1.1
also burning data etc...
not sure about disk utility...I dont use that very much.
I have been told also that iDVD5 can but the burner needs to be internal.
tiger hase a lot of problems that apple is not addressing.
especialy with iM and Ilife6 in general.
is some one at apple just afraid to tell Jobs that somethin aint right?

Can't say I've had many problems with iLife 06 myself, but perhaps I'm just not using them enough to see them. Oh well - thanks for putting me on the straight and narrow about DL support in Panther. It's been too long since I've used it myself..


Can't say I've had many problems with iLife 06 myself, but perhaps I'm just not using them enough to see them. Oh well - thanks for putting me on the straight and narrow about DL support in Panther. It's been too long since I've used it myself..


a frendly slap feels good hu?!

the probs with new OSX and iLife6 can be seen on the mac descusion boards(aka the daily soap opera).
a lot of people work in the dark because they get the SW and just start using without reading the helps or getting the "missing manuals" for them and they just get lost and confused.
A lot of the questions on these boards are realy basicand any user should know the answers if they just "read the manual" first.
that being said there seems to be a lot of realy bad bugs in it.
:cool:but you and I have been through that....and this is not our let us not talk falsly now ...the hour is getting....
ooops....:lol:(sorry bob)

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