hi all,

I am new to mac, and can not install .sit, .hgz and .bin files, i have however been fortunate with.dmg files. pls i will appriciate any help from anyone.

First of all, what errors are you getting when you double-click on .sit .hqx and .bin files? Make sure Stuffit is installed, because you will need it to expand these types of files:


These types of files are just compression formats to make downloads faster. The reason you do not need Stuffit to open .dmg files is because Mac OS X Finder has built-in support for them.


He is exactly right, although I thought expander came with OS X. Perhaps you need a more recent copy of it.


I am having a similar problem. When I open up the .bin extensions, the file opens up in Microsoft Excel... I have no idea how to install certain programs this way

Do you have Stuffit installed? If so, you will probably need to change the default application that opens .bin files.

Select the .bin file, and choose "Get Info" from the File menu. Beneath "Open With", select Stuffit Expander (if it's not listed, you may have to choose "other", and locate it in the Applications or Utilities folder). Then hit "Change All..." if you want to make sure that all .bin files open with Stuffit. Good luck.

Most of the time I download Stuffit just to makes sure I can open these files. If you have more knowledge with Unix/Linux you can decompile those files in the Terminal. But even so the GUI is very easy to use and also easy to trouble shoot.


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