Hi frnds,
I'm having an image of MAC OS for Intel. I used Nero to burn the ISO, when the dvd is burnt, i found only 180kilobytes. and the image size is 4.37GB. I used Ultra ISO and checked, then i came to know that all the data in that iso is in HFS volume..so how to write this data to a bootable MAC dvd...
Plzz help.........

Dare I ask the reason for having a Tiger ISO image on your hard drive? :confused:

If you legally bought your Mac, it should have come with any necessary installation media needed to install Tiger and related software. There should be no reason for burning a Tiger DVD.

if you are going to be burning a "backup" or whatever you happen to have the iso file for :)

it most likely only burns a little bit of it because it isn't supposed to be copied or "backed up" due to legal issues

There IS a way to burn it to dvd but i dont particularly want to discuss illegal content on the forum

*cough* google "mac os x crack" *cough*

you're being very rude. My previous response was justified in that helping someone break any copy-protection on an OS X disk violates the Keep It Legal rule in place here. Your question about burning a PPC-bootable iso from distrowatch.com has NOTHING to do with cracking commercial software copy protection. I might be in the position to help you, but clearly you don't want help from me...


You should be thrilled. I joined this site just so we could be boyfriend and boyfriend. Of course I'm being rude. Did you not notice your answer to the guys question? To be so evasive and trying to act Godlike? For starters, there's a fine line between "Keeping it Legal" and just plain being stupid. For example,

I really don't give to cups fillled with urine if someone backs up their own software. I do however care when Sony puts a rootkit on their audio CDs as "CopyProtection." I do agree with the Open Source community and certainly go there for all my software needs! Gimp hits sooo much harder than Photoshop. HOWEVER, once I "OWN" the program, I'll do whatever I want to the CDs, the information, whatever. As long as I'm the ONLY one doing it, I'll do it.

Hell, one time I bought a Spice Girls CD. I ended up throwing it around the front yard.

I'm sure you and I share a lot of the same views. Except one. I believe that just because someone has the knowledge, it doesn't make them a criminal. (I'd be screwed for using Backtrack and nmap if this were the case.) And I don't actually punish people BEFORE they do something wrong. Yup. You're the idiot here. Not that guy who couldn't spell to save his life.

While we're at it, let's set up a gunstore that doesn't sell guns to blacks! Because don't they make all the crime Joe! I tell you what, you run for some political position, so I can vote for you! That guy was going to do something illegal! Good job Joe! So glad you caught him!

Oh an by the way, I don't need your help burning a mac ISO. Eventually through the elbow grease of searching the internet and forums, with a dab of IRC; I did one better. Not only did I find the answer to my problem, but I found the answer to that guys problem too. And just for giggles, I backed up my OSX Panther and wrote funny faces in sharpie all over it.

Now... If only I could find some way to make my diabolical plan illegal, why then... then I'd rule the world! Joe, go watch "V for Vendetta" or something. You need help. You mind... it's... it's gone buddy.

For starters, there's a fine line between "Keeping it Legal" and just plain being stupid.

And there's a fine line between launching an attack on a person's arguments and launching an attack on the person who wrote them. You appear to have done the latter in your post which no longer exists (and, to some extent, the post which I am replying to at this moment).

HOWEVER, once I "OWN" the program, I'll do whatever I want to the CDs, the information, whatever. As long as I'm the ONLY one doing it, I'll do it.

Wrong. You own the physical CD, but you only own a license for the data. You can't do whatever you want with the data, even if you're the only one using it. Specifically, that license will vary depending on the nature of the data, but you must obey all the conditions of it or return it for refund.

I believe that just because someone has the knowledge, it doesn't make them a criminal. (I'd be screwed for using Backtrack and nmap if this were the case.) And I don't actually punish people BEFORE they do something wrong.

You're once again wrong. Knowledge of some things CAN make you a criminal. For example, many DVD videos have special encryption on them that prevents copying them. By gaining the knowledge of how the encryption works, you are breaking the law.

You have every right to back up you OS. This is how you do it.
I will assume you want to back up your cd.
In disk utility make new image from inserted cd.
Save to an obscure folder and not to the desktop!
Once thats done go to get info(Finder), lock it!
In disk utility you should see the .dmg, now use disk utility to burn it, don't use anything else.
There you have it. Keep you backup copy in a safe place, good luck.

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