I am trying to help my dear mother with her new Mac, but I am a PC user and am lost! When she tries to login to a certain website, after entering her password, she gets a pop-up stating there is a security failure, decryption error. I have tried different settings in the security section of IE, but nothing seems to work. H E L P ! :cry:


What is the website in question? What browser is she using to go to the website? Will a different browser work for her?

IE for the Mac has been non-enhanced for 2 years now... Micro$oft gave up on the program over in Appleland (and well, I am thankful for that!). Have her try with Mozilla, or Firefox, or Safari.



What is the website in question? What browser is she using to go to the website? Will a different browser work for her?

IE for the Mac has been non-enhanced for 2 years now... Micro$oft gave up on the program over in Appleland (and well, I am thankful for that!). Have her try with Mozilla, or Firefox, or Safari.


The website is Bluemountain.com, she is using the latest IE explorer for Mac, and didn't want to change browsers, but might eventually.


I know how she feels. I was a PC/MS-Windows only guy for a long time and then even when I got my mac a friend had to convince me to try Safari. Now I've tried IE, Safari, Mozilla, Firefox, and Camino. What i discovered is while some browsers are built better than others, they all have the same basic interface elements, and switching is not nearly as scary as it sounds.

If she's using OS X I would just use Safari, the browser OS X comes with. It does a very good job for me. If you're in OS 9 I'd downlod Mozilla. But in the end it will come down to personal preference. :-)

Thank you! She is using OS X, and Safari works beautifully! I was not even aware that Safari was a browser, live and learn.

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