I just recently found my clam shell mac and I forgot my password, I was wondering how could I be able to install OSX on it if it was possible or at least getting my password back.


What is a Clam Shell Mac? Are we looking at a laptop? iBook?

If you could tell us the model number or name, that would be great.



You have an older iBook. I will have to check from home to see if that iBook can support OS X or not. 64 MB is really lean on RAM, but the 366 MHz processor is enough to run the OS. My Powerbook G3 333 MHz @ 398 MB RAM does work with OS X.

You mentioned a password. What kind of password are you looking at? Do you have a OS 9 control password like FoolProof, or perhaps a file-level encryption / access password, such as what DiskGuard used to do? Or perhaps you have a passworded set of stuffit archives that you are tryiing to get to. I am trying to see if your password is OS related, or an application.

Mac OS 9 did not have usernames / passwords. It did have a keychain thing that I never really understood.

I am guessing that you have some sort of OS password on the file system that you need to break. What program did you use? It is not Mac Traditional.


It is a login password. For me to know what I used for that I don't remember.

To be honest I really don't remember what I used. It would be a shame to put to rest for it's not going to be usable for I can not log in and do nothing.


You mention a login password. Did you used to use the Mac at school or something that would have had an AppleShare server? Does your computer offer a dialoge box with a little share symbol in the upper left corner, and asking you for a username and password?

It should have a cancel button. Try tapping the cancel and see if that does it for you.


I did not use it at school and cancel does not work. The screen just shakes and does nothing.:sad:


The screen shakes? You are running OS X on that laptop then. I was under the impression all along that you had OS 9 on the computer, and were going from there.

OS X will require a username / password combination. I am not certain how to get around it... I will have to do some tests from home.


No! I have OS9 on this computer not OS X. I am lost:sad:



I have an idea. Can you take a digital picture of the login box, and email to me by chance? There are ways to attach pictures to posts or to an email. I would like to help, but really need to see this to know where to go next.



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