Poor Win 7 Left in the Publicity Dust

Techwriter10 1 Tallied Votes 942 Views Share

It's supposed to be Windows 7's big week, but other news just seems to keep getting in the way. And it's not just competitors like the news coming out of Apple this week, it's big announcements coming from inside Microsoft too. You would think that Microsoft could at least keep its own house in order, but that doesn't seem to be the case this week.

Apple's Earnings Surprise

As Joe Wilcox writes in Beta News, the timing of Apple's news this week was not coincidental. On Monday Apple released its quarterly earning reports and it blew analysts' expectations away. Not only did they do well, they did freaking incredible scoring their best quarter ever. In the middle of the biggest recession in 50 years, Apple generated a whopping $1.67B profit.

Consider that Apple sold more than 3 million Macs and 7.4 million iPhones in the quarter. The only bad news was that iPod sales were down 8 percent as people gravitated toward the iPhone. Beyond that, the only thing Apple has to worry about is unrealistic expectations for next quarter.

Apple Releases new Toys

As though the outstanding earnings report weren't enough, Apple released a new line of Apple products on Tuesday generating yet another wave of publicity. There was the new Mac Book, the updated iMac, the new Mac Mini server and of course, the superbly named, Magic Mouse (who wouldn't want one, so much cooler sounding than Mighty). The social networks were buzzing with folks talking and talking about this new line and it continues today, but it wasn't just Apple stealing that spotlight from Windows 7. Microsoft has had some news of its own.

SharePoint 2010 Anyone?

Meanwhile, in a case of poor corporate planning, Microsoft was holding a major conference in Las Vegas this week announcing their own upcoming SharePoint 2010, which includes a cloud and server versions. Steve Ballmer gave the keynote, and as I wrote the other day in Ballmer Gets that Sidekick Issue a Matter of Trust, he gave interviews afterward to ward off the bad publicity generated around the Sidekick data loss incident.

Oh And Bing Makes Deal With Twitter

As though all this weren't enough to cause the folks in charge of Win 7 publicity to be biting their finger nails down to bare knuckle, today Microsoft announced a major deal between Bing and Twitter with a rumor that one with Facebook is not far behind. This is of course great news for Microsoft, but it's a day ahead of the Windows 7 release party. You would think that this week of all weeks, they probably wanted to keep the company focus on one thing and that's Windows 7.

In the context of all this news, suddenly the Windows 7 release seems pretty anti-climactic, doesn't it? If it were competitors alone trying to undermine the big release, you could understand it, but when the publicity competition comes from inside your own company, you have to wonder why there wasn't a little bit better coordination here. Windows 7 should have the spotlight to itself and now it's sitting backstage all alone and feeling blue watching everyone fawn over SharePoint and Bing (and magic mice).

christophercomp 0 Newbie Poster

I think that part of the reason that the Windows 7 Release is "anti-climatic" has something to do with the fact that Windows 7 is broadly thought of as a fix for Windows Vista.

Personally, I don't believe this myself, but with the bad taste of Vista in everyone's mouth maybe consumers are just wondering how this all will pan out. The tech media seems to be talking about it quite a bit, but I have to agree, they are speaking of it like it's already been out for quite sometime (which it kind of has). And of course the story from David Coursey of "how you shouldn't upgrade to Windows 7" is not helping very much either.

Techwriter10 42 Practically a Posting Shark

You're right. The way they released it has taken the air out of the sails as a starting point, but Windows is the flagship product for the company and you think it would warrant at least some respect internally. I haven't seen that David Coursey piece. I'll have to look for it. If you could leave a link for other readers who come by that would be great.

Thanks for commenting.


christophercomp 0 Newbie Poster

Here is the link:


This article is saying that upgrading from Windows 7 from XP is a pain in the butt, and that the only reason you should upgrade from XP to 7 is if you are in need of a new PC.

It is sort of misleading, but for the mainstream consumer it may be mostly true. It's all about the headline, isn't it?

DavidAKnopf 0 Newbie Poster

Oh. Another version of Windows. Yawn.

CPImmanuel 0 Newbie Poster

I am glad that 90% of our machines are either Macs running OS X or PCs running some distribution of Linux. I tried out the Windows 7 RC beta, and although it was much better than Vista, it could not compete with either the Mac or Linux in terms of speed, features or ease of use. Ubuntu and Mac OS X are really easy to use and Microsoft has not given me any reason yet to migrate back to a Windows world.

paul998 0 Newbie Poster

Windows 7 Beta is quite good. I started using it a while ago. When you keep a lot of programs open it doesn’t seem to lag. There are some nice features that Microsoft introduced into Windows 7. I found it faster and easier to use. It’s a serious improvement on vista and I think it’s a necessary one. I have written in some detail about Windows 7 Beta and my experience using it. Please take a look at it and comment on what you think.

<a href="http://ketiva.com/Computers_and_Internet/my_experience_with_windows_7_using_the_beta_version1.html">http://ketiva.com/Computers_and_Internet/my_experience_with_windows_7_using_the_beta_version1.html</a>

Because Windows 7 Beta is still so new it’s hard to know what problems it could have in the future but it looks like it’s going to be a fantastic operating system.

paul998 0 Newbie Poster

Windows 7 Beta is quite good. I started using it a while ago. When you keep a lot of programs open it doesn’t seem to lag. There are some nice features that Microsoft introduced into Windows 7. I found it faster and easier to use. It’s a serious improvement on vista and I think it’s a necessary one. I have written in some detail about Windows 7 Beta and my experience using it. Please take a look at it and comment on what you think.

<a href="http://ketiva.com/Computers_and_Internet/my_experience_with_windows_7_using_the_beta_version1.html">http://ketiva.com/Computers_and_Internet/my_experience_with_windows_7_using_the_beta_version1.html</a>

Because Windows 7 Beta is still so new it’s hard to know what problems it could have in the future but it looks like it’s going to be a fantastic operating system.

kaninelupus 275 Practically a Posting Shark

Ah, yet another Windows-based thread where the trolls - who s'posedly have zero interest in Windows - come out to play, just to tell us that they have no interest in Windows... anyone else amused by the irony??

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