Hi, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem ive been having with my PC lately, whenever i enter My Music file it seems to completely freeze up and shut down, then asks to send an error report, ive tried to enter the folder with my PC on safe mode and it does the same thing, scanning the folder, and my computer for any viruses has turned up nothing and it seems to be clean... any ideas?

I have also tried to completely delete the folder, but it freezes up during that also :(

You should try to delete the folder threw the command prompt.

Best Regards

Hi, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem ive been having with my PC lately, whenever i enter My Music file it seems to completely freeze up and shut down, then asks to send an error report, ive tried to enter the folder with my PC on safe mode and it does the same thing, scanning the folder, and my computer for any viruses has turned up nothing and it seems to be clean... any ideas?

I have also tried to completely delete the folder, but it freezes up during that also :(

You should run check disk on the HD.

Double click My Computer on the desktop, right click on the offending HD if you have more than one, select properties, click on the tools tab, click on check now, check both automatically fix file system errors and scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. If the HD is the boot drive Windows will state that check disk can not run because because some files are in use, do you want to schedule check disk to run at startup (boot time). Click on yes and reboot the machine. Depending on the size of your HD check disk will take some time to complete. DO NOT INTERRUPT the process while CHECK DISK is running - let it complete. System will boot after check disk is completed.

I have been having the same problem with some of my folders except that no error reporting prompt has come up. I tried the check disk that dos_centavos mentioned a few days ago and it had no effect. have been told to try this...

click on start >> run >> type msconfig >> choose the startup tab then click disable all then click ok .. restart your PC
Try to open your folder again .... If these steps did not solve the problem You may need to reformat your PC .

It did not work for me and I have not reformatted my pc either... yet. I have been getting movies from a torrent site for some time now and all of a sudden this folder problem has been happening. I don't want to lose all this information in the folders but I don't know what to do. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Tried that. I used Malware bytes, spybot, adaware, AVG, and REG Cure on the whole system and nothing. Well, the normal few incidents but nothing that cured the folder or problem. I even tried to scan the actual folder and individual files with each of these programs. It's as if my computer thinks there is nothing wrong with these files. That's why I'm inclined to think there is a settings issue but I could be wrong. Tried to contact BitTorrent but no luck yet, still no response. I have a feeling that they can help me.

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