I was trying to install Win XP PRO w/SP2 on a 20GB hdd and after formating the hard drive it started to copy the files and after copying about 57% an error popped up (Setup cannot copy the file "wininet.dll") first I tried to retry but no luck so I tried skipping the file and it finished copying the rest of the win xp on the hard drive & it rebooted once as it is suppose to and after getting the Windows XP logo screen of the windows startup went to a blue screen and it quickly flashed some error (operation failed - it was too fast to read the details) then the system keeps rebooting but it loads up to the point of getting the windows startup logo and then goes to a blue screen and reboots again... I have tried reformating 3 times with the same process of retrying and skipping also but the same thing again systme reboots by itself over and over again... is there any ways to stop the system from rebooting and loading windows from hard drive?


oh man i have almost exact same problem, my post is called Windows XP Problems, Ive tried reformatting countless times also, ive also tried fdisking with win98 and then reformatting to xp and still no luck, maybe its a new virus out that goes into ur boot sector or something and u cant get rid of?


thats my post

Dear Kutu
I Detect this problem too mor and mor times bat at last I andrestod that Stoping Copy Setup files mey have three resunes
1. It may be becus of sum Errors on your WinXP Setup disk
2. It may be Becus of the speed of CD drive is lower than writing Speed of your setup cd
3. it may be becus of hardware failor on your Computer Ram

hmm ram. the guy on my post also pointed towards my ram, i think ill run the check and find out if i got some faulty ram.

here we go kutub, i found this thread whilst surfing thru the forums.


this is the same problem we have, and it is our ram (hopefully) im about to try a few things to see if i can fix it, luckily i got 3 ram sticks and maybe just 1 is faulty and i can live without 1.

thank you fayyaz and warsong I will be chekcing my ram and update you of the out come.

Thank you,

i removed one of my old ram sticks and BOOM its fixed, no errors whilst running memtest. you should try it aswell

how much memory did you have with all 3 stick

If you're running DDR memory, it's probably best to just run 2 sticks in dual-channel mode. More memory is always good, but having 2 identical sticks in dc mode can work a bit better. That won't solve the problem of XP not installing, but it's a benefit once you get it installed.

Generally, though, yeah...if you're having consistent trouble installing XP, it's probably memory-related. I've run into that before, myself.

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