I got a new camera and docking station and after installing the software things have gone wrong with my PC. The PC boots as far as the login screen, i click on my profile and the profile begins to load but soon after the PC reboots before the desktop is loaded. This happens on all profiles. I have tried booting from last known good configuration but the same problem exists. I have booted in safe mode and deleted the camera software but still no joy. I have tried the SFC command in DOS and still no joy.
Does anyone have any ideas that can help? The only thing left to try is a repair using the Windows XP disk. I do get a blue screen if i take off the protection and a STOP code of 0X0000007E but it appears to be a generic error and i have checked everything it points too.
Any help would be appreciated

try the windows repair ,and do a chkdsk /f
just might be the fix you need !

try the windows repair ,and do a chkdsk /f
just might be the fix you need !

Cheers, i treid the chkdsk but on reboot the blue screen pops up before the chkdsk can run.
Is there a way round this?

Cheers, i treid the chkdsk but on reboot the blue screen pops up before the chkdsk can run.
Is there a way round this?

thats nothing to cheer about.lol ,did you use the winxp cd to run the recover consul to run the repair option and then type in chkdsk /f at the prompt

nah i just used the chkdsk from DOS, i can't get my hands on the disk until tomorrow for the repair so il be trying that with fingers crossed when the time comes.

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