Hello, I am having issues with visiting ANY website on internet explorer or firefox and it says I am connected(I am hardwired to a d-link modem). I have tried a lot of solutions from reading oher threads from this site and nothing seems to work. I went out and bought a new Dlink router and Dlink ethernet card for my computer. I installed the drivers for everything and configured the router from the disc. As of now I am on a laptop that can connect to the router wirelessly and browse with no problems. I ran WinsockXPfix, it did not work. I turned off the windows firewall, it did notwork. I power cycled the modem, router and computer, it did not work. I went into command prompt and /release and /renew, it did not work. Here is a copy of my ipconfig /all:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\Tom D********>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name......................: tom
Primary Dns Suffix..........:
Node Type......................: Unknown
IP Routing Enabled..........: No
WINS Proxy Enabled........: No
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 5:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix ...:
Description................................: D-Link DFE-530TX+ PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (rev.F)
Physical Address.........................: 00-1B-11-C3-3B-0B
Dhcp Enabled..............................: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled............: Yes
IP Address..................................:
Subnet Mask...............................:
Default Gateway..........................:
DHCP Server...............................:
DNS Servers...............................:
Lease Obtained............................: Sunday, December 30, 2007 4:27:16
Lease Expires..............................: Sunday, December 30, 2007 7:27:16
If you have any questions about my computer specifications, please ask. I need the internet working on my computer ASAP. Also, this problem occured randomly, I do not remember any programs or settings that I changed or installed right before it stopped working. I dont think it could be a bug or spyware because I reformatted, but I could be wrong.
Please Help, Thanks