Whenever I have multiple IE windows open, a couple of them refuse to close, even after I've closed IE... I have to kill them with Task Manager, which is annoying. I suspect it's something simple, but I've gone through all the IE menu options and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any suggestions?

The machine is new (8 weeks old), running XP Pro and IE 6.0.2800. I've run Ad Aware to zap any lurking spyware.

ALT+ f4 will close windows ,are they windows you opened or are they popups ,most likely popus that are designed to do that !!get a popup blocker .

ALT+ f4 will close windows ,are they windows you opened or are they popups ,most likely popus that are designed to do that !!get a popup blocker .

Thanks -

No, these are not popups... windows I opened (e.g., multiple friends profiles in Yahoo).

I'll try the ALT+F4 approach.


just highlite the window you want to close , on the lower tool bar first

just highlite the window you want to close , on the lower tool bar first

Nope... ALT-F4 won't do it. Tonight I opened a link from an e-mail in Outlook, and could not close it, even after closing Outlook! Perplexing!



Yes, einstein, that's the sledgehammer approach which I use, but I would prefer something less dramatic!

Maybe you have downloaded some sort of spyware and haven't uninstalled it properly.
Ad Aware doesn't allways remove programs completely.
Try to figure out what programs you have downloaded and have tried to remove by using Ad Aware.
Download it again and then uninstall it like its supposed to be uninstalled.
I hope this will help.

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