I have been troubleshooting this for a long time, this computer is brand new around 3 months old, and I am getting the following cases, here are the steps that I am doing...
- Press power button on computer
- Windows loads
- I press CAPS lock / or NUMLOCK to see if keyboard is valid while loading and it is
- Windows Welcome Screen is loading
- Login Screen is visible
- Keyboard + Mouse not working (they are lit up) but they are not working cannot press CAPSLOCK nor NUMLUCK cannot move mouse
- Pressed the power button on computer, Windows Login screen says Windows is shutting Down
Sometimes I am experiencing NO POST on Monitor screen as well which is annoying. So I was checking out why it is doing that on my new system ... So I got my laptop and tried REMOTE ADMINING to that computer...
- When Login Screen froze
- After a minute, NO VIDEO POST on monitor
- Went to my laptop, REMOTE ADMIN'd my computer
- It worked FINE, nothing wrong, I see my computer normal, I can move the mouse and keyboard and see the desktop
I tried swapping MEMORY, I have 4 GB of memory, and it still froze and still NO POST on SCREEN. I checked all my cables, and it is tightly connected.
It has been happening since day one since I bought it, and during 3 months having this pc, this is the third time that it has been happening.
So what did I do before it happend? I was playing Team Fortress 2 Multiplayer, and it froze, I cannot change windows, nothing, so I cold booted my machine (pressed button). Then my problem appeared... I tried to place the Windows CD back in and tried to repair, and said nothing to repair
So what may have caused this? What should I do? This has been happening on Windows XP, then reformatted and installed Windows Vista, and it happened again, then same thing right now.
Any help is appreciated...