Hi there,
Ok, we have a serious situation here. If I'll read one more thread about issues with Vista 32bit not seeing 4GM RAM I'm going to vomit.
Here's issue that will get you thinking.

Ok. I've got installed 2 Ram sticks. 512MB each. Acrding to BIOS I've got 1GB. Acordingly to Vista I have only 512MB. Now... Tried diagnostic prpgrams like PC Wizzard 2008. That shows me 1GB of RAM. I tried also using other programs and some of them show me 512MB where it reports two sticks but only 256MB RAM each.

So... It does see 2 RAM sticks but only in halfs. I did try recofiguring the order in slots, nothing. Pulled one out... still 512MB but obviously only on one installed stick.

I can not find anthing on MS web site (a part from sickly problem of four GB installed).

Please help! It drives me BANNANAS!!

are they matching?

DDR ram must be installed in matching pairs of speed size and type and be in the correct slots. Also, does your pc have a limit?

older pcs have a cap - in most pre-2002 pcs its ~768mb. Modern PCs its 4-8gb

are they matching?

DDR ram must be installed in matching pairs of speed size and type and be in the correct slots. Also, does your pc have a limit?

older pcs have a cap - in most pre-2002 pcs its ~768mb. Modern PCs its 4-8gb

It wpould be quicker if everybody would assume that (even though I'm a woman) I'm not thick as shit and work with computers fr las 12 years. Ok. I'll show mercy - that's my computer details:

System Manufacturer: NVIDIA
System Model: AWRDACPI
BIOS: )Phoenix - Award WorkstationBIOS v6.00PG
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 4000+, ~2.6GHz
Memory: 510MB RAM
Page File: 898MB used, 603MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 10

Both RAM are DDR 400 PC3200 in correct slots (if it would be i incorrect slots it wouldn't power up or would be seeing only one slot installed)

Well for another check of your systems RAM, you could use Crucial Techs scanner to see what RAM you do have to see if it a matching pair.
Scanner can be downloaded from here:

Yep, been there, done that, 2 slots 256MB each. That's what it shows.

the onboard nVidia graphics may be stealing your RAM.

On my ATI base motherboard, if it detects over 1gb, it steals 256mb for the onboard video

the onboard nVidia graphics may be stealing your RAM.

On my ATI base motherboard, if it detects over 1gb, it steals 256mb for the onboard video

Even if programs show that only 256MB on each slot is INSTALLED? Here, have some more details:
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 7300 GS
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Display Memory: 314 MB
Dedicated Memory: 250 MB
Shared Memory: 64 MB

Now, you still think that my graphic card can take more memory than my system?

Anyway, if any of you, boys and girls will find a solution I will be much obliged. I'm going to bed now. Maybe I shall dream something up. Good night Geeks!

no, its only taking 64 from it.

Check your BIOS for a thing called "legacy os installation mode"

older OSes dont install on machines with large amounts of ram so the bios usually has an option for it

e.g on my pc i have 1gb and if i set the "legacy os installation mode" it only shows 128mb.

maybe it is enabled for some reason...

if it would be i incorrect slots it wouldn't power up or would be seeing only one slot installed)

Don't bite please ,correct me as i could be wrong but don't think I am ,if you have 4 slots 2 different colors ,like black and blue ,or black and yellow,if all 4 are black its a older[or cheaper] board and you will have to check manual as to what 2 to use for ddr mode . if you put 2 stick in the first two slots one black and one blue ,the computer will still boot ,but will not be in DDR mode .

Edit: also who makes you mommyboard ,and just because they are bot pc3200 don't make them a match ,same maker and same # all round on the chips make them a pair

she tried that

I did try recofiguring the order in slots, nothing.

and yes, please calm down. If you dont want our advice then we will go away and you will be back at square one ;) we done get paid for this - we do it out of the goodness of our hearts

and yes, please calm down.

She cant ,"I am woman hear me roar" .LOL just kidding really

Evening boys. Thanks for last tips. I'm still in the middle of the field with this issue. Any new ideas? I tried changing options in BIOS. Nothing as usual.
And there's one more thing. I used to run XP on this PC with this motherboard and RAM. It was giving me 1gb.

what version of vista. x64 or x32?

x32 it is

Problem SOLVED!
I flashed BIOS. Who would've thought... Anyway, than you very much Geeks!

no problem

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