Hi friends,

I tried to upgrade my XP Student release to XP Vista Look and after some process, the screen stops with this message [DR-DOS] A:\>. Can anybody guide me how to complete the upgradation. Of note, when booting, I could see XP student release and XP Vista Look, meaning I have two choices to boot and when I select the XP Student release, the system functions normally.

Any help?

I have the same problem dam dr dos

Is this a third party program?

DR-DOS is an MS-DOS clone. It is itself an operating system.

[dr-dos] A:\>

The above is a command prompt, like the C:\> prompt in Windows cmd mode.

It reminds me of my DOS 6.2 / Win 3.1 system. I have to type


to start Windows.

I noted that it is defaulting to the floppy drive A:. It might be that the program expects to boot from a floppy.

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