I've installed Enter The Matrix game and when I try to start it I get the message "Fullscreen mode not found". Does anyone know why I can't play it? My Operating System is Windows XP.
Also, I can't play Yahoo Games over the internet. It says I need Java Virtual Machine and I get the option to download it, but it's just a link to Microsoft Windows Update with a lot of unnecessary things.

I've installed Enter The Matrix game and when I try to start it I get the message "Fullscreen mode not found". Does anyone know why I can't play it? My Operating System is Windows XP. I can't play Yahoo Games over the internet. It says I need Java Virtual Machine and I get the option to download it, but it's just a link to Microsoft Windows Update with a lot of unnecessary things.

The Java Virtual Machine problem I can help with right away. Microsoft's JVM was crap. When Sun won the court case over it, MS pulled the download. Get the Sun version instead--it's better and more complete:

JAVA Runtime Environment. Windows installation is mid-page (scroll down). http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html

The Matrix problem is likely a hardware, not software issue. What graphics adapter do you have?

Thanks, I have downloaded the Java Sun version. As for the "graphics adapter" I don't know what you mean (sorry, not too good with computer language, I'm just a user).

graphics adapter=video card

what is the name of your graphics card. like a geforce or readon etc.

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