go4urs 0 Light Poster

Hello Forum

I have been having the nightmare of all computer nightmares for the past few months. I have been trying to compose a succint letter to paste here and get help, but my comp keeps doing its thing, and I cant finish the letter.

I'm still working on explaining all the problems, but I would like to address one, that might fix a couple of others.

In the midst of the nightmare, I suddenly began getting low space error messages (amongst others). I was surprised because this Gateway Tablet PC (Piece of Crap) has 70 GB. I use 20-30 for music, and I'm sure I use a lot less than 1 GB for everything else.

Now I cant get onto America Online because everytime it loads it says there is not enough free space. Although I deselected it in MSConfig, AOL loads and crashes almost every time I start the computer. I went to the C drive and sure enough 64 GB are used! ON WHAT?! The only games I have are Diner Dash and Monopoly.

So, here's the question. How do I find out what is using 35+ GB of my space? I tried to go through the folders, but I have to open each one. Shouldnt I be able to just click on the file, and get a pie chart that shows # of GB inside? Windows Me used to have that feature I think, but I cant find an easy way to do this on XP. Do I really have to click through hundreds of folders or whatever, or is there some trick? Now, I have to select each folder, right click, and select properties to find out the size of the file.
And how worried should I be that something is taking up that much space?


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