hey guys I recently found a small problem with my PC its a Hp Pavilion a1737c with Vista,
the problem is I was able to set screen saver themes for it but now in the screen saver setting dialog box it says "this computer's video card (Nvida GeForce6150 Le)can't play themes" ???? it uses to do it just fine, I talked to the guy at HP via online chat the told me to reinstall the driver, I did but no change.

have any of you guys/girls ran in to this problem and if so could you pleas help me out.

hey guys I recently found a small problem with my PC its a Hp Pavilion a1737c with Vista,
the problem is I was able to set screen saver themes for it but now in the screen saver setting dialog box it says "this computer's video card (Nvida GeForce6150 Le)can't play themes" ???? it uses to do it just fine, I talked to the guy at HP via online chat the told me to reinstall the driver, I did but no change.

have any of you guys/girls ran in to this problem and if so could you pleas help me out.

Did you upgrade/add/remove/install/uninstall anything recently? Also, as someone already suggested, upgrade to the latest nvidia drivers, as new drivers (are designed) to improve problems

Did you upgrade/add/remove/install/uninstall anything recently? Also, as someone already suggested, upgrade to the latest nvidia drivers, as new drivers (are designed) to improve problems

yeah its up to date, I even uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it form the recovery manager

if you know the date that it used to work. try using the system restor to an earlier time feature. it is in the accessories, system tools, system restore. then select the date you want to go back to. Be aware you will lose anything that you have installed from that date to now. so if there is anything important. back it up or copy it to a cd or usb drive.

good luck

thanks I'll try it, but I will need to back a lot of things up, it has been a few months since I used the screen saver option as I had the PC go to sleep before the SS could come up.

thanks again

hey guys I recently found a small problem with my PC its a Hp Pavilion a1737c with Vista,
the problem is I was able to set screen saver themes for it but now in the screen saver setting dialog box it says "this computer's video card (Nvida GeForce6150 Le)can't play themes" ???? it uses to do it just fine, I talked to the guy at HP via online chat the told me to reinstall the driver, I did but no change.

have any of you guys/girls ran in to this problem and if so could you pleas help me out.

I found your thread searching for the same answer. Here's your problem: you're using Vista, and your Windows Experience index got reset. Refresh the index, and you'll get your feature back.:)

I found your thread searching for the same answer. Here's your problem: you're using Vista, and your Windows Experience index got reset. Refresh the index, and you'll get your feature back.:)

how do you reset the Windows Experience index??

Right click 'Computer'. Select 'Properties'. You'll see your Experience Index listed there. Click to rate.

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