Basically, whenever I boot up XP, the explorer will not start. If I try to run it from the Task Manager, it closes again in a matter of seconds. It will then try to open itself up again... but then closes. (Every time it reloads, it un-focuses any window, making this difficult to type x_x )

It started happening last night. I'll give a summary of what I did recently on the computer. Originally, I was facing problems with Norton Antivirus, where the list of unresolved security risks would not load. I contacted Tech Support, and they told me to reinstall it, which seemed to work. Meanwhile, I was also having trouble loading certain websites (EBay, Amazon, etc). I did some googling, and found a program called TCP Optimizer. I downloaded, installed, and ran that program, and "optimized" my router settings. After that was done, TCP Optimizer asked me to restart my Computer, which I did. After the computer rebooted, the explorer problems began (However, I can view those sites now x_x).

I did look around some other threads here concerning similar problems to the one I am currently facing, but they all seemed to reach dead ends, or were specific to the original poster. One thing I came across the most on these threads was a program called HijackThis, or something to that effect. I'm not really sure what it is, but I assume I'll be needing it to fix this problem. I'm not sure where to download it, though.

Hi.. Have you tried a system restore to pre- all of the installations and uninstalltions?

A system restore has crossed my mind, but I would much rather attempt to fix the problem before I do that. Mostly because the TCP optimizer did in fact fix a problem I was encountering earlier, and I fixed my Norton problem, so I'd have to undo several fixes to solve my problem with a restore.

ok.. if you restore pre-all problems would that not take the system files back to a stage where the "TCP optim" is of no use, as that problem hasn't happened yet?
Lets travel back in time lol
System restore hands down

A system restore has crossed my mind, but I would much rather attempt to fix the problem before I do that. Mostly because the TCP optimizer did in fact fix a problem I was encountering earlier, and I fixed my Norton problem, so I'd have to undo several fixes to solve my problem with a restore.

you need to fix the explorer problem and not worry about tcp optimizer as you have the explorer problem first! I suggest you do a system restore back to before you had the explorer starting problem ,and if it fixes explorer and you still can't get to ebay and such re-run tcp optimizer again !
for more info on system restore and hijackthis program try a neat program called

try and install Firefox, good, simple, stable and then when running you can delete and reinstall IE7

try and install Firefox, good, simple, stable and then when running you can delete and reinstall IE7

I'm talking about windows explorer, which is essentially the entire windows interface including the taskbar and desktop. Not internet explorer.

you need to fix the explorer problem and not worry about tcp optimizer as you have the explorer problem first! I suggest you do a system restore back to before you had the explorer starting problem ,and if it fixes explorer and you still can't get to ebay and such re-run tcp optimizer again

I decided this was the best course of action... but then ran into another problem. Apparently, System Restore won't restore to a point that is infected if you have recently cleared said infection. I did this when I fixed my Norton Anti-virus. So now I either need to fix the problem itself, or somehow make system restore... well, restore my system.

if windows explorer is corrupted you will not be able to do much in windows, thats is a core file for windows to work properly,,try doing a repair installation this delete all system files and reinstall them, you will not loose you installed application.

if windows explorer is corrupted you will not be able to do much in windows, thats is a core file for windows to work properly,,try doing a repair installation this delete all system files and reinstall them, you will not loose you installed application.

I'll give this a shot. How do I execute a repair installation?

you need to have windows XP bootable Cd, pop it in set your bios to boot from the Cd of press the corresponding key in your bios screen to bring up the boot menu and choose the CD drive, if you see a line saying " Press any key to boot from cd" press any key, let the installation run, when it find a previous installation of windows you will see the screen saying something to the effect " Windows found a previous installation of windows.......""" then press R to repair, go through the steps and let winds restart, Come back and let us know what happen

After a few days of searching, I still can't find the disk for Windows XP that came with my computer. However, I did find the one that came with the old Dell. Can I use that?

as long as you have the key for the PC you are going to repair. and is that CD bootable. start pc, go into the bios and set the boot option to CD then HDD pop the cd in then if you get a message that say press and key to boot from cd... then you are in business.

After a few days of searching, I still can't find the disk for Windows XP that came with my computer. However, I did find the one that came with the old Dell. Can I use that?

yes ,but it will have limits, as it will be a recovery cd or sorts .you should be able to use it to run a repair ,but no be able to do a repair install of xp over itself

yes ,but it will have limits, as it will be a recovery cd or sorts .you should be able to use it to run a repair ,but no be able to do a repair install of xp over itself

Alright, I spent a few more days looking for the CD (cleaning out shelves and desks), but still no CD. Now bobbyraw was telling me I should run a repair installation with the Windows CD, but you are saying I cannot do that with the one that came with the Dell, correct? If this is what you are saying, then is another way I can try to overcome this problem?

borrow a winxp disk and use it if you have a winxp key

I do have my key. However... explorer seems to have magically fixed itself after I rebooted my computer recently. I don't think it'll last though, so I'm going to give it a while before I conclude it fixed.

EDIT: Ah, of course, the catch. My internet problems (can't load certain pages) seem to have returned. I ran TCP optimizer, like last time, but still no fix. Apparently my internet problems were related to explorer or a program within explorer... eh, weird.

EDIT 2:Okay... now the Internet issues seem to be fixed. I honestly have no idea how these problems were fixed, so unless computers are secretly magical entities who have the capability to solve all unsolvable problems by themselves, I doubt this is permanent. I'm going to give it two days, then call it solved.

run spybot and ad-aware ,links to them in my signature

run spybot and ad-aware ,links to them in my signature

The only link I see is to the Puget Systems homepage. I'll try and find them in google and I'll come back and tell you if I did. If I haven't before you visit this page again, would you mind posting the links?

EDIT: Is it Spybot: Search and Destroy, or Spyware bot? Or neither of those?

spybot search and destroy and the links to them are on the Puget system site in my signature or just go to

Thanks for the links. I downloaded and ran both programs (Spybot: S&D and Ad-Aware). Both scans showed a decent amount of nasties that I would rather not have had on my computer, so I cleaned those up. For that, I thank you.

The Internet problem is still a bit iffy. I now can access Amazon, but I still cannot reach some other sites, such as Facebook. I also cannot upload images to sites such as imageshack and tinypic (a problem I did not mention before).

Okay... after a few days of having explorer work, I restarted my computer, and now explorer doesn't work. I can't even open it with the task manager. Also, my displays a little funky. Normally, in program boxes, the text at the top should be white, but now it's black.

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