
I have a new Lenovo A60, 9631 (well not new, but it came out of the box) that is running XP. I started it up and everything worked fine. Then I stupidly monkeyed about with the startup, and now everything works fine, but I can't access the internet. I tried a system restore, but that didn't work, I would have reset the BIOS to default, but couldn't figure out how to do that either. Anyone know what I might have deleted from start up that would prohibit me from accessing the web? The control panel shows the local area connection is fine. Thanks for any help!

and we would know what you removed from startup ,HOW

Obviously you wouldn't know. I don't remember myself. I already said it was stupid, I know that. My question is mainly is there a way to reset the new computer to it's original settings? I don't remember removing anything that I thought was system related, but I'm assuming that I did since it does not connect. I can't go back in time and say what I did, but if you have any advice on how to reset it to factory specs, I would appreciate it.

Obviously you wouldn't know. .

I know I just like getting people going ,lol
anyway, try a system restore first to see if you can get back to the first day you turned it on,before you removed things from startup ,did you use RUN/ msconfig to disable startup items.
How to use system restore ,go to start,allprograms ,accessories /system tools /system restore ,and set it to go back,maybe as far as you can or just back to the day before you removed the items .

Thanks for trying to help me out. I did try a system restore, but it would not allow it. Perhaps because I only have had the computer one day. I used CCleaner to disable the startup item. I was planning on disabling the antivirus that came with it to use a different program, that's how I probably did it. As I mentioned, I wanted to reset the BIOS, but that doesn't seem to be an option with this kind of computer. Any other ideas, or should I just contact Lenovo? Thanks again for taking the time to answer.

Iggystooge;543688 I used CCleaner to disable the startup item..

i use ccleaner and don't see a option to disable items,just delete then ,maybe im missing something .
anyway there must be a key to hit on startup to run the bios and one to run a winxp restore ,maybe f2 or f10 or f11, it usually shows on the screen on boot up ,if all you have is a lenovo flash screen, try hitting the tab key quickly and remove fllash screen

in network connection are you connecting wireless or wired. are there any connections showing up in network connection?

did you get a restore disc?

Thanks to all of you for offering to help. I will be happy to send $20 to anyone who can help me with the problem, I'm just very annoyed with myself. I can't restore the system, it won't allow me to do so. It goes through the process and then after it reboots, it just says "Your computer cannot be restored", which I assume is because I have only had the computer for two days. I got into the BIOS, but can't find any kind of BIOS default reset option. I am working with a desktop wired system, not a wireless. Thanks again for your interests in my problem!


Thanks to all of you for offering to help. I will be happy to send $20 to anyone who can help me with the problem, I'm just very annoyed with myself. I can't restore the system, it won't allow me to do so. It goes through the process and then after it reboots, it just says "Your computer cannot be restored", which I assume is because I have only had the computer for two days. I got into the BIOS, but can't find any kind of BIOS default reset option. I am working with a desktop wired system, not a wireless. Thanks again for your interests in my problem!


we would love to solve this for you ,so help us ,and answer the questions to the above posters .also ,i sort of asked if you used ccleaner to un-install programs and not just disable startup items .what is the answer to that question .

so f2, f10 or f14 didn't help in finding a system recovery ,and as asked above did you not get a recovery cd with the computer

Hey Caperjack,

Thanks so much for helping me, I created the recovery disks as you pointed me to and everything works great now. I would not have known to do this without you, since I did not get a disk with this system or a manual. I just finished getting the system to work, and wanted to email you first thing. Please email me at paulfincannon@yahoo.com so I can get your address, I would like to send you that $20! Don't say no. Thanks again!


glad to here you have it fixed ,look at the top of the page on the right and clik on donate,and donate to Daniweb to help keep it online ,its so great a site . .i help for free.
for me just click on add to my reputation , .i can use it

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