Hiya, I wanted to try deleting some files etc because I believe they're causing problems but I haven't been able to access Safe Mode due to various viruses I thought I deleted them all and maybe I have but I still couldn't access Safe Mode. I looked on a website and someone suggested using MSCONfig and click SafeBoot and on the BOOT.INI tab and now I've done that it now restarts WINDOWS but cuts off about 2 seconds after the WINDOWS XP loading screen appears and just restarts and asks me if I want to:
Start Windows Normally
Last Known working configuration
And 3 Safe Boot Modes
I've tried them all but my computer won't get passed the WINDOWS screen without restarting, and it's because of the SAFEBOOT setting on MSConfig and the fact that SAFE boot isn't working at present due to the virus etc. So is there anything I can do to fix this, because I can't get onto my computer? *I'm posting this from another computer on a training course* so a quick-ish response would be appreciated! :) Thank alot!!!
Additonal info:
WINDOWS XP (Home Edition) Service Pack 2
CPU 2.00Ghz Intel Celeron
Onboard S3 Pro Savage Grpahics
Onboard Audio