1. when i watch dvds from nero essentials and play videos and files from windows media player, but when i watch youtube videos, and watch videos from flv player, there are no sounds!
2. i have tried the windows audio service troubleshoot, but apparently, my windows audio has started and is running.
3. i used to have c-media mixer and soundman.exe running on the tray, and when i double click it, it says, i have no active mixer. and that i have no audio device. now, i disabled both on my startup. sndvol32.exe also says i have no active mixer.
4. i can't hear system sounds as well, like the opening sound of windows and such.
5. i am using realtekac97, and i am using an onboard sound card. it seems i have the right driver, since i'm able to hear sound from windows media player, but no sound from flv player! weird!
i have googled a lot of forums already but i have never encountered anyone which has the same case as mine! any help would be appreciated. thanks!