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I need to convert some audio files from WMA to CDA format. I guess I must be very old-fashioned as I can only find converters that go the other way; I suppose most people have ditched their CD players in favours of iPods ..... but I want to play the music on my CD player rather than on my laptop or iPod.

Can anyone suggest a suitable program/piece of software, pref. freeware or shareware? Ideally it would also allow me to convert from other audio formats to CDA. I appreciate your help. Thanks.

you dont do it like that

you must choose to burn to audio cd instead. burning .cda files to cd as data wont work

To do it, click the burn tab in windows media player

.cda files are nothing more than virtual files created by Windows to aid in convenience when playing a CD. As a result, copying them to your hard disk won't actually end up copying the track, nor will burning .cda files onto a CD result in a playable audio CD (not even on your computer). What you need, as jbennet suggested, is audio-capable burning CD software. Most burning software has this capability, so check the documentation if you're unsure.

you dont do it like that

you must choose to burn to audio cd instead. burning .cda files to cd as data wont work

To do it, click the burn tab in windows media player

James, thank you for your suggestion, I shall try it tonight. I guess I should have thought of it myself .... but it's one of those things that is blindingly obvious only once someone points it out! Will let you know how things work out.

Regards, Ghislaine

.cda files are nothing more than virtual files created by Windows to aid in convenience when playing a CD. As a result, copying them to your hard disk won't actually end up copying the track, nor will burning .cda files onto a CD result in a playable audio CD (not even on your computer). What you need, as jbennet suggested, is audio-capable burning CD software. Most burning software has this capability, so check the documentation if you're unsure.

Thanks for your explanation of what CDA files are, John. I do have CD burning software and will have a go tonight. Will let you know how I get on. Meanwhile thanks again for taking the time to respond.

Regards, Karin

you dont do it like that

you must choose to burn to audio cd instead. burning .cda files to cd as data wont work

To do it, click the burn tab in windows media player

Hell Jbennet - I'm mortified that I forgot to reply to you, so here's a heartfelt thanks for your very simple (but totally useful) advice. It worked! It's weird, because I did really know how to do it, but I had a kind of mental black hole about it just then ....

thanks again.


to John A, you got it wrong mate,your Windows Media Player automatically converts music files to WMA which is Windows Media Application WMA.This file on it's own will play on todays modern CD players as long as it states it in the overview of the unit. To get the WMA file to play on ALL CD players incliding the one the oldies still use you have to convert the file to CDA ie Compact Disc Audio, this in itself is not a music file but points to where the music is on the disc so that it can be read.When you burn from your windows media player you have to ensure that it burns to CD and not in wma if you want the disc to play in all cd players (even in your old car).There are software around that will convert files from MP3 etc to CDA (CD). Google,"convert MP3 to CDA" and you will find a selection of software to choose from, I note that there are free ware around as well that will do it.Lastly, when you go to actually BURN your music ENSURE that you DO NOT SELECT DATA CD, as this will mostly work on your pc or late model cd players, also most DVD players will play MP3,CD I have an old dvd player and it works well there.
Hope this helps,
Burn well

further to my posting for CDA burning/converting try CDmaster32, this will do what you need,it is shareware and is a reasonable new application.

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