Hello, I am having trouble with my sound card on a windows XP machine. It is not any specific manufacturer (It was a machine put together by a local computer shop)

When I go into my system information to see my sound device it is comug up blank, also, in the sounds and audio device from the control panel it says there is "No Audio Device"

This machine had windows XP re-installed and it is since then that the problem has arose.
THe sound always worked before the re-installation.

Does anyone know what might be going on here, or any suggestions as to what I might do?

Thanks very much,


download ,cpuz program from link below ,run it and check the motherboard section and get the make and model # ,go to makers website and download sound drivers .

Thank you for your response,
I've found that the motherboard is "Shuttle Inc FS59V10"
I have been to their website but can't find anything at all for this. Maybe its a very old one that they no longer support?
Any other ways that I can go about this?

Maybe you can check the computer BIOS to see whether the sound was disable. You can press the delete key or F10 or F12 depending on motherboard type. It will appear on the screen on power up. Browse for on board sound and check whether it has been disable than enable it. Let us know what you find.

Thank you for your response,
I've found that the motherboard is "Shuttle Inc FS59V10"
I have been to their website but can't find anything at all for this. Maybe its a very old one that they no longer support?
Any other ways that I can go about this?

using cpuz again ,in motherboard section what does it list for chipset.

download unknown device identifer and it should tell you what audio device is .

You don't happen to have a disc labelled "Drivers " or something similiar? It would save a lot of hassle

Hi, u should check your computer BIOS, to see whether the sound system is enable or disable, you should also check your hardware!

Hi, u should check your computer BIOS, to see whether the sound system is enable or disable, you should also check your hardware!

all good idea ,but, winxp was just reinstall on the computer [read first post ],winxp dose not have drivers for sound ,therefor thwey need to install correct drivers

That mb has a SiS 661FX chipset? The audio driver would be found by gurgling SiS 661FX audio.
Or it may be an Intel chipset.... you check.
Caper, a tool I prefer for sys specs is siw.exe.

Yes the chipset is SiS 661FX (It also says Rev 11 if thats of any relevance!!)

I have googled the drivers for this but all I can find is websites that scan all my drivers and tell me they are all out of date and offer to sort them all out for a small fee!!
Can anyone point me to somewhere that I can download these drivers free of charge? I don't think I should have to pay for a driver thats purpose is to get audio from my machine!!

Thanks very much for all the help so far!

P.S. Does anyone know where in the BIOS the System Sound section is? I looked around on the off chance it was disabled but couldnt find it. Maybe its not there because the drivers aren't there!

Thanks again,


Upon power up your computer you may have to press the "Delete" key or some other key to go into BIOS. It will show you before it boot up to Window. The BIOS setting differ from computer to computer. I believe it could be in the "Advance System Configuration". You have to browse around or maybe post your BIOS and see we can help.

Thanks for all the replies so far.

I've looked at the SIS one and they have a handy programme that scans the computer for SIS devices to check for the driver.
However when I did this it told me that the Audio is supplied by the board manufacturer.
This is shuttle. However when I go to the shuttle website I can't find anything about it!
Anyone got any ideas?



Aw, heck, that second link I posted, just agree to the terms, click the audio driver link, give the code and download the driver file directly. Extract, open the folder and dclick the file SETUP.EXE - that will start the installer. There is no need to run any hardware-checking tool from the site. That is the driver for SiS 661FX. Shuttle surely didn't rework the chipset.

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