Thanks to all who helped with reinstallation of my software. The original problem is corrected and the computer works great except- now when my computer starts up it asks which operating system I want to use and offers me two choices. Both are Windows XP Home. If I choose the first one everything is fine. The second one says there is a problem. I would rather not have to go through the choice each time. What can I do? Thank you.

You would not have ended up with that message by following the instructions I linked, Noahsson. The procedure would have left you with a clean, single Windows installation.

You would not have ended up with that message by following the instructions I linked, Noahsson. The procedure would have left you with a clean, single Windows installation.

Actually, I've done a clean installation, with a full format using the XP installation disk and had it still show the previous operating system as a choice in the boot menu. It's just one of those flukes that happens sometimes.


To fix your problem, open windows explorer and tye C:\boot.ini in the address bar. Delete the entry that doesn't work.

If you are uncomfortable with editing system files, the same result can be obtained by simply disabling the presentation of dual-boot selection.

Right-click 'My Computer' and choose Advanced -> Startup and Recovery -> Settings.

Change the setting for 'Time to display' to zero. As the default option works fine all will be OK.

(Double check first, however. The default length of time for the choice to be displayed is 30 seconds I think. Wait and see if your system boots allright without you having to make the choice. If so make the change. If not, change the displayed option before changing the delay setting.)

Thank you, problem fixed. Y'all are great!

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